2024 Team Avatars

Looking for the place to upload Team Avatars for 2024. The submission portal says check back “later Kickoff” but since kickoff has come and gone…


Bumping this. Anyone know?

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Last year the avatar submission portal opened on Jan 18 after a blog post announcement. In 2022, it was Jan 12.

As one of the official Lead Mentors for my team, I can see the “Avatar Key” in our list of passwords/vouchers in the Dashboard to use in the submission portal, so it will hopefully be Any Day Now.


Bumping because this is the 6th time I’ve set a reminder :laughing:


Related, here is a look at “Modern Era” FRC games and the day their Audience Display was revealed:


Really hope this year’s fixes some of the issues with 2023’s (a glitch where benched robot’s avatars always render as the default one comes to mind). 2023’s was good but I do still miss the crusty old ones

Mentor from 4329.
I just reached out to FIRST about the Avatar submission portal. Apparently, it’s slated to open up to submissions sometime this coming week. (1/28 - 2/3)

It will be in the FIRST Robotics Competition team announcements.


I am confused about the delay. I mean, I get (somewhat) why they open after the Kick Off…even this is confusing.

Definitely odd. “Come back later Kickoff” is so noncommittal. It makes it seem like they were waiting on something to come together on their end and they had no scheduled go live date at the time of Kick-Off this year.

Just odd.

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I mean that is missing the word “after” probably. Otherwise they are referring to Kickoff as an entity that can be spoken to and told to come back later at another time when they are ready. You can’t tell kickoff to come back later. It never arrives early enough as it is /S


We have an answer!