2024 Team Update 1

FIRST to teams with hoarding strategies:


Is there an RSS feed with just the team updates? I have a Slack bot to alert me of blog posts and Iā€™d like to have one for this too.


If for some reason thereā€™s nobody from your team there to drive the robot, exceptions to the first half of the rule can be made to allow other teamā€™s students to drive the robot. The blue box doesnā€™t relate to the added part.


I think the blue box is to allow for other teams to drive the robot if there is a religious holiday that prevents a team from driving or if a teams bus is late or similar.


You can set this up with email forwarding.

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So can you only amp up to 2 times? Or is the requirement for amping now 4?

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You can only score 4 notes during an amplification period.

CIMā€™s explanation 3 posts down is better.

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How did they forget this? Seems like a pretty important thing to remember


Ah I see, thanks for the clarification.


No limit to the number of times you can AMP. A good way to think of it is this:

One of two conditions causes an AMPLIFICATION period to end:

  1. Ten seconds passes (timer counts all the way down)
  2. Four NOTES enter the speaker

The rules just say score the notes so that means that a note scored in the amp would also count. I know this isnt a practical problem, but I can see teams losing an amp cycle because a partner scored a note in the amp right when they pressed the button. I am hoping they clarify that it is just the speaker.

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Suspect this will be clarified, but technically itā€™s ā€œfour notes scoredā€ so scores in the amp or trap would count towards this four.


Was a hoarding strategy ever really viable even before this update? What was stopping me from stealing from your hoard or scattering it to wind since the notes glide across the carpet like hookey pucks?


if a robot just dumps all the notes out of their source I feel there is enough for everyone

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Does this mean in auto you can grab pieces from the center line, drive them back into the wing, and then shoot them?


You can have them sent directly to your email if youā€™re 18 or overā€“thereā€™s a link on the site where the updates are posted.

If you arenā€™t, get a mentor to sign up and set up a rule to auto-forward to the team.


Iā€™m more concerned that they left this typo in, despite the section being modified:

G413 Expansion limits. A ROBOT may not expand beyond either of the following limits:
A. itā€™s height

Literally unplayable with that extra apostrophe.


Yes, I believe that this was the case with the original rule, and this just helps to clarify


Technically you were already able to do that, just the note had to be within your bumpers. But to answer your question, yes.


I think G206 says no.

G206 *Donā€™t violate rules for RPs.
A team or ALLIANCE may not collude with their opponent to each purposefully violate a rule in an attempt to earn each ALLIANCE a Ranking Point.
Violation: YELLOW CARD and the ALLIANCE is ineligible for MELODY and ENSEMBLE RPs.

For example, if Team A on the blue ALLIANCE agrees with Team F on the red
ALLIANCE to feed NOTES to opponent ROBOTS to decrease the cycle time and
improve the chance of achieving the MELODY.