2024 Team Update 16; includes discussion of robot speed and resulting damage

Sorry, I should have been more specific and included a reference to my earlier post on the bumper subject:

With regard to the 3 noodle bumper, I had suggested this could be an option (i.e. by limiting the gap between the bumper and the floor but then increasing the upper limit of the bumper zone so that teams could “fit” a 3 noodle bumper into that bumper zone). The taller bumpers would not be required, and would not be required on all sides of the robot. In other words you could have taller bumpers on the sides and back but traditional 2 noodle bumpers on the front if you wanted to have an over the bumper intake. Or, if you are a team that is thinking swervy and have intakes on multiple sides of the robot, you could have traditional 2 noodle bumpers on those sides and then 3 noodle bumpers on other sides. Or you could have just limited section of the bumper that were taller (not even a full length of a side) if you wanted to protect something (like a Clippard tank or electronics).

I think teams should be allowed and in fact encouraged to add additional protection.

However, without other limits, you could easily end up in a spiral where teams would design robots that could hit harder knowing that they had extra protection (the way that football has gotten progressively harder hitting as helmets and pads have improved). So, these bumper ideas don’t really work unless you have some of the other ideas being discussed here as well.