2024 WFFA submission photos

Our students have prepared our WFFA submission, but the mentor photo will not show up for us. We just get a box with a question mark (Mac) or broken photo image (Windows).

The area highlighted in red is what we’re worried about. The picture seems to be there, as per the “Remove Picture” button to the right, but we cannot see it. Neither student awards submitter can see it. They tested on several different computers, both Mac and Windows, and Chrome / Edge / Safari.

The photo DOES meet the listed guidelines. Has anyone else ran into this?

For what it’s worth, I just tried to upload an photo for our WFA nominee to see if the same thing happened, and it did. So it’s not just you.

Really appreciate you checking @jtp

I’m not too sure what’s going on, but having another team seeing the same thing gives us more info when we contact FIRST HQ again.

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I also reached out to HQ about it. They told me to remove it and reupload, which I haven’t been able to do yet, so I have no idea if that works.

We’ve tried that several times. We keep ending up back here.

I had a couple teams reach out to me about this today and just saw this thread.
The issues seem to still be there.
Anyone else?
I think I need to reach out to FIRST about this.

The issue is persisting. I’ve reached out to Team Support already, although you’re probably in a unique position with it. They told me to finish the rest of my submission first, and then upload the photo afterward. If it still doesn’t work, they said that they’d be able to upload it on their end.

Thanks for sharing.
I reached out to a POC that I work with at FIRST. I wiil see what she says and can share back here.


2656 went ahead and submitted our WFFA (Greater Pittsburgh) and Championship WFA submissions last night. Both ended up with the broken photo thing.

We’ll follow up with HQ to see if we can just email the photos to someone.

I’m surprised they haven’t addressed this publicly yet. We first reported it before Christmas. It seems to be happening to several teams.

Hi everyone,
I figured out what’s going on.
I believe the problems teams are experiencing is not seeing the actual photos, but you see an icon of a photo? If you see the icon, it means its uploaded correctly.

FIRST got back to me and said they see it on their end. So I went and checked myself, and it looks fine.

Teams, be sure to select the correct photos you want to upload as you cannot verify when you see the submitted entry.