Using the offline installer for NI Package Manager 24.8.0 and the offline ISO for the 2025 Game Tools, attempting to go through the game tools installation process results in the following checksum validation error:
Going to the directory in question shows that ni-logos-xt*.nipkg doesn’t even exist.
What’s going on here? The online installer has no issues whatsoever.
I downloaded the offline ISO yesterday, and the latest package manager.
The only issue as with my Antivirus, so I disabled my Antivirus and it installed fine.
You might consider downloading the ISO again in case it was somehow corrupted. And/or disabling your AV and trying again.
Edit: nevermind, got it (WSL). The sums did not, in fact, match. Redownloaded and everything matches & works. That’s the first time I’ve ever had that happen to me, and of course, it’s on the OS I’m less familiar with…