2025 Hall of Fame Predictions

With so many teams being huge competitors for the 2024 Impact Award at champs, we can only expect some extreme competition this year. I don’t have an official prediction just yet, but I’d love to hear who everyone else is preparing to see get entered into the HOF!

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  1. Would love to finally see them in there for all they’ve done.

It is absolutely insane to me that 118 has spent years running a program to raise the floor and enable teams to be more competitive that was so effective that HQ basically directly copied it to get it to more teams, and they still haven’t made Hall of Fame. Unquestionably the most deserving team.


118, 6328, 1676


118 is inevitable, it’s honestly only a matter of time before they get inducted. same with 1511 and any of the finalists from last year.

for new england i think 3654 defo should be in the conversation as well as 6328 (even though they did not earn an impact this year).


The year before we won HOF, we didn’t win Impact at either of our district events… maybe there’s a pattern?


well if that’s the case then 118 isn’t going to get HOF for a long, long time :joy:


Also, every time this topic comes up I’m obliged to remind everyone that threads predicting WCMP winners of anything, but particularly Impact, are largely a popularity contest. Threads in the year leading up to our win were full of names of teams well known for building great robots, but the finalists (and ourselves) were totally missing.

Impact judging is a super opaque process, and I wish that it could be changed for a number of reasons - but until that happens… take everything in these threads with a massive truck load of salt.


4607 is more than deserving of consideration at this point, and I hope to see them as a finalist at the very least. They have one of the most competitive robots in the state year after year, while also creating the largest impact on others of any team in Minnesota.


1678 (and not because they make great robots)


Plus you never know what teams may be doing behind the scenes. Some teams may have narrowly missed out in prior years while largely deserving at an event with tough Impact competition.

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118 has done more for raising the floor and contributing to a better overall team experience than anyone (I think anyways, at least to this level of publicly facing) even now expanding into FTC with everybots.

118 has made the entire FRC/FTC community their community and had a substantial impact.

118 can’t keep getting away with it.

  1. How is it possible to be a offical FIRST Resource for teams and not be on the HoF(This is not to belittle other HoF teams who also do amazing work)

For the record, HQ highlights work from a ton of teams and individuals in blog posts, the resource library, and more. Kitbot is specifically not the same thing as Everybot, and 118 does not get credit for the impact that it has. Their team did not contribute to the 2024 kitbot design, as far as I’m aware.


I think there was some offer made for them to contribute (which they declined), but I could be mistaken on those details.


They didn’t contribute to the design (by their own choice), but they spent years bulding the idea and proving its impact. 118 absolutely deserves a large portion of the credit for the impact the kitbot has had, it wouldn’t exist (or would at least be very different) without them.


Correct. I agree that the community should laud them for their contributions - I’m just pointing out that as I understand it, for award judging, they receive no credit for Kitbot adoption, just Everybot.

In many predictions, people are overlooking the fact that students are doing the presentations, and when they get to the Q/A part, it can be more challenging for some vs. others to answer.
Students graduate every year, which is a huge variable when it comes to how good presentations can be from year to year for each team.

Canadian Pacific Week 1 has a couple of 2024 champ finalists plus other teams that consistently win it at regionals. It should be a fun event to start the 2025 season.


Another Important aspect to consider, is what teams are doing compared to what resources they have.

Even if a team (118) for example is doing all these amazing things in their community an important thing for the judges to consider is what resources they have avalible to them. (not discrediting anything that 118 does)


They’re really not supposed to do that, is my understanding.