2025 Robot CAD in 24 Hours + Kickoff Watchalong

Like I did last year, I’ll be doing another robot CAD speedrun with a kickoff watch-along at 8:30 PST. Feel free to stop by and chat!

I’ll also be using the FRCDesignlib library w/ a modified workflow based on the frcdesign.org curriculum.

To make it better than last year, I’ll try to reduce the scope and not attempt to try to do whatever is the trap this year.

Like usual, I’ll be streaming it on my YouTube channel, which you can check out here: https://www.youtube.com/live/Ll93tfcq140?feature=shared

A live doc w/ notes and updates will be filled out here (with CD updates):


MFG: 2D Laser cutting service/Omio, 3D Printer, Drills, Drill Taps, Bandsaw
1/4 + 1/8 Aluminum
1/4 Polycarbonate
Punched Box Tubing w/0.5-inch increments and a 0.5-inch hole offset.
1/2 Rounded hex
If I can get it cots and it is more reasonable to be COTS I’ll use COTS

WCP X2I with citrus-style bumper mounting

Design Constraints:

If it is a shooter, choose one fixed ranged position to shoot from
If it is pick and place, attempt to to do it with a linear actuation with a short rotary mechanism

If it’s a hybrid, cry.

Since the game involves multiple game pieces, I’m curious about how my constraints might change or how my decision-making may change because of that.

It needs to be able to be finished in under 16 hours (but I have spare time for extra CAD days)

The goal is to try to do at least the basic scoring functions in the simplest way possible while following good design principles. (low cg, no large mechanisms outside of FP, no large cantilevers, etc)

Try to get all the important fasteners, don’t need full detail but I’ll try to get to a point that you would use for competition CAD.

CAD Practices: Try to use Multi-doc with “best” practices regarding workflow, folders, and naming are not required.

I am unsure if I will be using krayoncad or block cad for this particular workflow, we’ll see.

Theoretical Stream Schedule: (In PST/California time)

8:30 AM: Start Stream
8:45 AM: Kickoff Starts
9:15 AM ish: Run through game manual to grab important values, start determining game flow
10:00 AM: Start playing with architectures in sketch, try to have at least 5 different ideas before settling/going down. If have extra time, make drivetrain.
12:30 PM: XRC game release, cycle to get a better feel of game based on theoretical strategy.
3 PM Settle on architecture and start part studios
8 PM: Start assemblies
11 PM: Detailing and finish?

I probably am underestimating how much time I will take, and I will probably do it over the weekend. Regardless, I’ll try my best.

Breaks will be added between, depending on when I feel like it.

Thank you!


you’d better come up with a good design, cuz i’m using it :dark_sunglasses:

loved your design last year, can’t wait to see what you come up with!


ri3d got competition now


is this known? playing some xrc before designing is a great idea, especially with testing strategies (feeding, visibility, weird rules)


I’ll be trying this as well, except over like 3 days. Good luck!

I’ll be starting the stream in 25 minutes. If you aren’t at a kickoff event, feel free to swing by!


this is one of the games of all time


This game is harder than I thought. Cad probably will take a day or two longer if I want to keep on going :sob:

16 hours today :sweat:

L3 + ground pickup, use the same intake to pinch algae and score in processor.

For the funnel, both of the sides of the funnel are powered, assume one side is going in the opposite direction so that you can orient any direction.

Not sure about how to take algae off but probably a stick on a maxplanetary

if algae pinching doesn’t work, I have a theoretical OTB separate algae mech for fast processor cycles.

The strategy is to prioritize ground pickup and L3 and pretend that deep climb + L4 doesn’t exist. Assume that HP is going to be hitting the game pieces to increase the distance traveled.

The main reason why I’m going for ground intake is that for cycles, you really shouldn’t be stopping for any good reason. Optimized feeding would require a human player to pre-load the piece so a defender can see where the piece is preloaded and block the way.

If you choose to go to the opposite source, your cycle time doubles (with no-preload), and the defender wins. Plus, the defender gets to defend two robots at once. Trying to coordinate multiple robots rotating sources means the defender is happy, and you are losing points since its less time cycling.


considering switching to 2017 style dustpan instead of bottom roller


Streaming! https://youtube.com/live/k3o2DFyM7i4?feature=share


calling it off for tonight, have some ideas for intake for tommorow, but tmmr is my last day.


Current CG with battery + bumpers

When Extended


might be cooking some fun stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

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That is quite an impressively low COG for an elevator bot! Well done!


Currently in the process of lowering the CG a bit more, which will be fun

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Just curious, why did you choose to put the elevator with the flat side facing sideways instead of the traditional way?

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lets me lower cog while achieving everything i want in 1 dof thats easy to control


What material are you using for your belly pan? And with that, what is the weight of the drivetrain alone?

4.5mm steel, bellypan weighs 25 lbs, the goal was to save as much as weight as possible on top to toss down low. had the weight so im using it for ballast


dropped cg by 1 inch

need to add intake, was procrastinating since going to be making a diff style