2025 Team Update 02

I don’t think it matters very much, but I’m amused and confused by this:

So if a robot places coral into the processor, we now know that field staff will not introduce it back to the field - but we still don’t know what the human player is supposed to do with it. They can’t enter it back into the field, because of G433, but there’s no good place for them to put it either. I guess they can just put it to the side somewhere?


See G406

This still raises the question “what if?” but at least there is a rule in place.

I was wondering about why they’d make that change… but then I thought about the various mechanisms that are being invented to hold an algae and a coral at the same time. Somewhere, sometime in the season, a robot using one of those will accidentally drop the coral in the processor. Now the field staff doesn’t have to try to grab it from a potentially very crowded spot.


On the contrary, I believe this makes teams consider the game completely elevator + pick/place instead of shooting, or leaving the shooting to the humans.

It’s clear from G420… no it’s unclear to me. I believe the intent is the robot cannot directly touch the NET or scored ALGAE, but can do so transitively (thinking back to how 2018 Power Up was played). I’ll await the QA on 37 and 42


Seems that hovering over the net and dropping would be legal though. So long as the robot is not touching the algae once it crosses into the perimeter of the net. Assuming the perimeter means the rectangular perimeter of the net opening.

The NET is the material it is made out of. The NET has no vertical projection. The BARGE ZONE has a vertical projection.

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Why would a rule saying you can’t touch algae in the net imply that shooting is out of the question?

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I’m approaching this hypothetical and unclear situation from the team that seeks to maximize the amount of algae they can keep on the net.

If a robot cannot transitively push algae to score more, then shooting means you’ll be more limited than a counterpart that hovers and drops the algae. How bouncy are these balls?

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Two things. Firstly, the cap on Algae stored by the hp in the processor is going to make algae even more critical for high level play and I’m looking forward to that. Secondly, where is BYPASSED defined?

The Glossary, and the opening text of Section 9 near the end.


Hmm, I suppose that’s a possible interpretation. Every other defined area includes all the airspace above it, though, and I can’t think of any exceptions in the years I’ve been involved. Someone should Q&A that too!

Perimeter was used instead of volume, so I think it is a safe interpretation.
My thoughts on why the rule is the way it is: there is a chance that an algae could be resting on top of three other algae which are in contact with the net, and therefore scored, but the top algae is not touching the net. They wanted that top algae off limits for touching, so based on the geometry of the net they decided that if that algae was below the horizontal rectangular area created by the net perimeter, it would also be considered scored.

Scored vs not scored according to my interpretation above


Not scored:

But a Q&A clarification couldn’t hurt.

Is anyone else seeing weird triangle shapes in the new FIELD CAD?

I hope to be a referee and/or scorer at six events this year. As such, I devoutly hope that you’re wrong – distinguishing between those cases from the sidelines, at different angles, during a fast paced match, would be nearly impossible! We’ll just have to wait for the GDC to clarify or fix this. They’ve answered a goodly number of questions after 37/42, so they may be planning a fix for Update 03 and postponing those questions until it’s published.