2048: FRC Edition

We created a 2048 game based on FRC logos:

[size=]2048: FRC Edition[/size]](http://games.usvsth3m.com/2048/frc-edition/)

Good luck, and we’ll see you at the competitions!

I was wondering if anyone was going to do an frc version. The Fibonacci sequence version already had 233, 610, and 987 so that did it for me a little bit, but this is really what I needed to see happen.

Awesome game, but I don’t know why you included a game that never happened (seriously, who would name a game Lunacy?!)

I got up to 6836 (Rack and Roll was in play for a while). How many games back does it go? 11 years would be stack attack.

Would be fun to see one starting from Maize Craze.

Not sure if your serious or not…

And thats when aim high shows up…

Very entertaining :rolleyes:

Lunacy? Thats just loony. Nobody would ever name a game that.

Awesome game, but kinda disappointed by the ending. I was really looking forward to going to maize craze :smiley:

I think our team found this game a little too entertaining…

So I see all the improvements for CMP are going well :stuck_out_tongue: