I know this is a little late and the video isn’t the best… (it is the only footage we really have) … but here it is:
I know this is a little late and the video isn’t the best… (it is the only footage we really have) … but here it is:
some tech specs. on the machine:
six wheel tank drive with programmed ramp up
two speed transmissions (Tigerdrive 2.0)
2 cim drive
2 cim conveyor through andymark toughboxes
floor and human player load.
You can catch us at Pittsburgh, Philly and PARC.
It may not be the fastest or most stunning bot we’ve ever produced, but it is one of the most reliable and simple.
Stop by our pits and ask our students about the innovative measures we’ve taken to save build time.
Good luck to everyone!
Have you had any problems with belts coming off? We had similar belts in 06’ and had a lot of problems.
Nice looking bot 222! We’re looking forward to seeing all the ORANGE Tigertrons in Philly in a few weeks.
Awesome looking bot. See you guys at Philly in a few weeks. Hope to work with you guys again.
The Belts do walk, but to keep them where we want them we have bars running across the conveyor with holes drilled in them for looping zipties or string around the belt to keep it in place. I will say this, from our experience it’s much harder to get flat belt to track than it is to get round belt to track, but that’s mainly because of our design. It’s all a learning experience.
Danny and John thanks for the compliments your teams both have good looking robots! Can’t wait for Pittsburgh and Philly!
You guys are modest. It’s a perfect example of an elegant solution that the students worked on. I’m really impressed by this machine. There’s nothing wrong with being reliable and simple. Less things to go wrong and consistency makes for a great alliance partner and builds championships.
I really like the use of the hood and how the balls circulate to either the hopper or be delivered. What controls the orientation of the hood? Cliff I like your responses, but if one of your students could answer this question I would be even more jazzed.
I’m planning on coming over and talking to your students at PIT and Philly. Can’t wait to see it and hopefully run with you guys.
How fast is it out on the “regolith?”
Should be a great robot at Philly. Can’t wait to play against one of the best known veterans in PA. Cya guys soon!
What controls the orientation of the hood?
Pneumatics control the gates. I’m not sure what students frequent the forum so I will let them answer in more detail if they want.
How fast is it out on the “regolith?”
222 doesn’t own any “regolith” just some tile flooring, but she goes pretty good on the tile from what I’ve seen.
I just posted some pics on Facebook for all to see:
Do the zip ties you use to keep the belts in place ever cause the system to bind up? We have been having slipping problems with our round urethane belts, and we regularly drive them both (ie. up and down) directions during a match. It looks like you guys always run your belts up. Do you think zip ties would work for us?
Looks like a great bot, solid design, and fairly similar to ours. Can’t wait to see it in action!
Well the zipties can be your friend or your foe. The most success we’ve had with them keeping our belts from walking is in a semi-loose configuration. That means the zipties aren’t tight enough to tension the belt or provide too much side scrub that it drags the whole system down…just tight enough that your belts don’t walk all over. Another method we have used in the past is bending 1/16" to 1/8" aluminum round stock as guides for the belts to track in. Best of luck taming your belting!
still waiting for one of his students to come on here and reply to Wayne’s question :o