229 Video

This was my first attempt at video production. It was a project I just did for a class here at Clarkson, so I figured I’d share with every one.


Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think

Very nice video. Great clips and the whole overall layout was awesome. Some of the clips seemed a little choppy right after it came back from the screens with words on them, but they eventually cleared up. That may be because of my viewer, but I don’t know. Overall…AWESOME job.

Kinda cool that you included video of the fabled match where your human player scored a 10 pt. ball. :slight_smile:

I saw this all on my own. Nobody helped me. Nobody at all. It was all me.

very nice video. Shows everyone working together and the heat of competiton. Perfect.


A very inclusive video with all sorts of elements. Good Job.

Great job!
Smooth transitions, nice effects, pretty good music too (selecting music is always the hardest task for me when it comes to making video shows).

My only question is what software did you use to make the video?

Excellent job!
Though the video kept messing up for me (must have been my browser), it was excellent. Nice video clips, great pictures, and very good organization. Overall 100% Greatness.

I used Windows Movie Maker. I tired using Adobe Premiere, but I couldn’t learn it fast enough to get my project done on time :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool videos cant wait to see the '05 ones