2357 System Meltdown | 2024 Open Alliance Build Thread

Thanks for the suggestion!

We actually have some code to do auto-lineup on the stage, but we’re not using it for a few reasons:

  1. Due to the angle of our shooter-side camera, we have to do the lineup from a ways back.
  2. We have to use our gyro for angle position, because single april tag rotation is very unreliable.
  3. It wasn’t fast enough. Our driver has been able to do the lineup faster than the code.
  4. Since we use gyro for angle, we had to calibrate each of the 4 climbing positions on the field during field calibration since small angles can make a difference. Additionally, the stages get bumped and moved around throughout the competition, throwing off our calibration as the event progresses.

We can do the full lineup and climb consistently in < 15 seconds, but we were trying to climb in < 10 seconds at GKC many times, and it simply wasn’t enough time.

I suppose we could try this out on a practice field again if we have some time to burn. Or maybe we’ll just look at it in the offseason.


Is there going to be a CAD release?

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There is already a public cad link here

This is amazing; thanks for sharing. Have you designed clamps for the new radio?

Thanks! We have designed one and it has two options for the clamp. One is for just ethernet and the other is for ethernet and radio power (they are separate components in the same design).
