2415 Lone Star Regional 6 Ball Auto

Partnered up with 57 and 3997, 2415 scored 6 balls in auton…our programmer also won $150 because everyone bet her she couldn’t figure out a way to do it.

It wasnt as easy as it looked, had lots of tuning of the PID loop and such prgramming things i have NO idea about ::safety::


This was absolutely awesome to see on the webcast. Congrats on pulling this off

really well built robot cant wait to see it at championships

I think she should split the money with the designer of that intake mechanism.

  • Sunny G.

And then you proceeded to score all 70 of your alliance’s basket points. Keep performing like that and you guys will seed high at CMP. That match was just amazing to watch, everyone on The Red Alliance chat was buzzing for the next 15 minutes about your robot. Good luck at Championships!

Do you guys have footage of the rest of that match? That was by far the best match in the eliminations at Lone Star, IMO.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get a programmer to make a good auton.

That is quite impressive though, congrats on successfully pulling that off!

Team 862 and their alliance partners 3322 and 3601 pulled it off week 1 in the Kettering District Finals, they ended up losing because of a ball being stuck underneath their bridge, but it was super cool seeing the 6 shot auto. Video: http://youtu.be/Z4Id9IR_HCU

That intake mechanism is pretty awesome. Without the side pickup ability, that 6-ball auto wouldn’t have happened. With the side pickup, 2415 should be able to pull this off with any two teams that have an intake and conveyor and can reverse it.

I was so hoping for that ball off the bridge to make a lucky roll into your intake so there might be a 7-ball auto. So note to you guys for CMP: If you’re running a similar setup with a bot at your back that’s feeding and then tipping the bridge, see if you can set the bridge bot at an angle to tip the corner of the bridge. If we were aiming for the corner, I think at least one of the balls would have wandered into your intake.

Also, because there’s always room for improvement, see if you can get your intake down quicker. 57 could have been at the bridge much sooner if your intake was down right at the beginning of auto. That first ball is on the way after one second, so it’s not like you have to worry about controlling too many balls.

The above suggestions are purely in the interests of even more awesomeness at CMP. Also, best wishes on getting that photosensor effectively replaced, I know it was playing heck with your shooting in other matches.

Point of order. We did start with 36 auto points, so that’s 34 points in teleop. So 11-12 balls in two minutes. Which is still very impressive, mind. It also points out just how strong an auto like this is. Our alliance scored literally half its basket points in the first 15 seconds of the match. 1 seed scored a 29-pt auto, and so was already down 2-3 baskets. If we lucked out and sneaked in one or two of those bridge balls, that’d be another 6-12 pts. Even the crazy firepower of the 1 seed would have been hard pressed to make up a deficit like that.

Actually, it was 70 basket points, but 34 teleop points, which is roughly 11ish shots made.

  • Sunny G.

It was truly an epic match. As coach, everytime I looked up, the score was close. 118 and us made 19 teleop shots that match.
We had 3-4 matches where we scored at least 12 tele op 3 point shots.
Our highest was practice day making 14 or 15.

If any 3 of 118, 624, 1477, and or 2415 were to team up at CMP, we would absolutely light it up.

Awesome Andrew! I (and many others) gave you guys a standing ovation on that one. Congrats and good luck at Champs!

It really was electrifying to watch. Very, VERY well done. Looking forward to seeing your performance at Championships.

Does anyone have video of this match?


Commendable, very commendable!

It was awesome, a friend of my from 3997 showed me what the alliance was gonna do, I was like “What the hell…that is sick” it was an awesome slugfest and I was like standing up and cheering what an awesome match

Gotta give credit to Adam Heard and 973 for the intake idea. It was definitely worth the trouble building and designing. Driving this robot is definitely some of the most fun I’ve had as part of team 2415. LSR shows us that we just need some more practice before CMP!

someone HAS to have taken video footage of the entire match, even a low quality one will do. I want to archive this along with the GT west finals match 1 as one of the best matches in competition season this year.

electron - yes, although as a mentor I can not condone gambling on the team…im goign to bet her $100 she cant do 8 :stuck_out_tongue:

Kevin - yes, if we had more time we probably woulda tuned for a faster auton…biggest thing iw as concerned with was having more than 3 balls in the robot

Glenn - was great meeting you briefly. It was fun speaking with a hall of fame team! Cant wait to see you guys in action in Champs!

Tom - Thanks Bishop, we will hopefully continue the momentum at champs!

Poohbear - i owe it all to you my trolling friend. without your inspiration of the 7079 billet aluminum frame…we would never have been able to finish this robot ::ouch::

Zach - wise words. at the beginning of this regional i felt like you…

(edit: “lack discipline” was the gist of the image that was here)

see what you can do with a little bit of “Disciprine” ?

Bro RC

we found a parent with some video, but unfortunately with the stands being half a mile away from the field the quality isn’t soo hot. Anyone know if the feed is recorded?

Found a slightly better video feed for this match: