Hello members of CD, Team 247 is approaching our 26th season in FIRST and I was wondering if anyone knew aspects of our team history. Currently, the only person I would know would be one of our mentors but they only know the team history from 2008 until now.
Any links, info, or robot pictures would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you - Kevin
My historian job is finally called upon
Here’s your TBA page, which should include some data from all your past seasons. Very useful tool :
You can browse through all topics and photos tagged with frc247.
Looking through frcarchive.com for images can give some idea on things.
Heres your teams tag: frc247
whenever I wanna know about team history I just ping @MikLast, additional a cd search for every team attribute you can think of can help (name, number, location, former mentors, etc.)
The (now defunct) Technokats History Project has some cool stuff if you find it on the wayback machine.
I found a scanned copy of the handwritten match list at GLR, but CD isn’t letting me upload it. You beat 27 and 308 in your first ever match alongside 264.
247 was the 3rd pick (backup bot? I think 1999 was two-team alliances?) onto the 4th alliance at GLR, along with 47 (Chief Delphi themselves!) and 65. They also came away with a Rookie All-Star award and a trip to Nationals.
99_results_greatlakes.pdf (51.9 KB)
Unfortunately, I can’t find any pictures older than the 2001 picture from your TBA page.
Not only Chief Delphi themselves, but both teams that merged to become 51.
GLR 1999 was the only regional with 3 team alliances. Due to the number of broken robots in the elims at earlier regionals, FIRST let teams vote at the beginning of the event on whether to have a backup robot in elims, and then there was a team update prior to champs.
I assume you mean 1999? Never heard the rest before, very interesting.
Michigan history is one i dont touch on too much. Earliest I have in the “photos that i really should of uploaded off my computer somewhere 3 years ago” folder is 2005, FRCFIRST Robotics Competition Archive on the other hand has some going back to 2000.
For OP, the best thing to do is to reach out to alumni and former mentors and ask if they remember things/know someone that might. A lot of team history gets lost if it isint written down, and most of CDChief Delphi wont be of help past anything strictly official (how you did at event X and what you looked like in year Z), nothing about how you got there.
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