2537 Deep Space Scouting Sheet Machine

2537 Deep Space Scouting Sheet Machine

If you’re looking for a way to utilize your scouting data, look no further! Using this spreadsheet, one can enter their scouting data and use it for pre-match breakdowns. Make a copy of the spreadsheet linked below if you’d like to try this out.
Example Sheet set up for CHS Bethesda Week 2
Each tab of the spreadsheet is explained below.


Enter the event key of the competition you are scouting in A1. (This is used with the Python script that I will be releasing soon. Check here for updates on that.


Enter the teams at this event in column A. (This will also be performed automatically with the Python script upon release.) Also, ensure that the named range “Teams” encompasses all teams. Go to Data -> Named ranges and check that there is a named range titled “Teams” whose range is “Teams!A:A”.

Team Data

Using the Python script, this tab will contain the OPR, DPR, and CCWM of every team at the event (not functional without Python script).


Enter the schedule of the match, with the match number in column A, red alliance teams in columns B to D, and blue alliance teams in columns E to G. Make sure the named range “Matches” with range “Schedule!A:A”. (This will also be done automatically by Python script upon release.)

Match Data

If everything else has been set up correctly, enter the match number in B1 or select from the dropdown. Data for all 6 teams in that match will populate that spreadsheet. Averages and max values for each metric are there for each team, as well as the totals for easy alliance comparisons. As you may notice, if you have not entered any scouting data, you will be getting errors. We’ll be addressing this soon. If you’d like to test that it works, enter some matches into the “Schedule” tab and enter that match number in B1 of the “Match Data”; then, ensure that the teams in “Match Data” have updated.

Quick Ref Raw Data

You can get all scouting data for a single team by entering their team number in B1 or selecting from the dropdown.

Sample Team

This sheet serves as a base for the individual team scouting sheets. Upon release, the Python script will automatically copy this sheet to every individual team sheet; until then, you can manually copy and paste.

Team Sheets

Every team sheet should be titled with the team number; otherwise, the spreadsheet will not work. Copy the sample team to all these sheets (or wait for the Python script to be released to do it). In addition, you can enter the team number in B1 to make it easier to read. These sheets are designed for use with the paper scouting sheet in this post; however, that paper sheet is not required, only recommended. Whenever you get scouting data on a team, input the data into the next available column. As you enter data for more teams, you’ll notice that the “Match Data” tab becomes more useful. You can test that the data is updating in the “Match Data” tab by inputting a random match into the “Schedule” tab, entering that match number into B1 of the “Match Data”, and making sure you are no longer getting errors in the respective boxes.


We at 2537 hope you can find a use in this spreadsheet. I understand it is not the most intuitive to use, and without the Python script it is slightly difficult to use, but I am planning to upload that script soon, so stay tuned. Comment if you do end up using this sheet, and if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Good luck to everyone this season, and enjoy the last bag day ever!


Hi! My team would really like to use this sheet as we’re also probably going to use your scouting form but we’re having trouble with the script. We tried to populate the sheet with the Waterbury team list using the event code in the key but it doesn’t work. It is incredibly likely that we are missing something that is very obvious and any help would be appreciated.

This is entirely my fault. The sheet doesn’t have full functionality without the Python script, and I ran out of time to make the Python script usable to other teams. However, if you would like, I can make the sheet for you over the course of today and tomorrow and have it ready for you by Saturday morning.

That would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

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