26295 - Mercenary Turtles Open Alliance Build thread 2024

Hello! We are 26295, a rookie all-girls team based out of McKinney Steam Academy.


  • During Pre-season, we built two drive bases using the Gobuilda Drive base kit, did CAD and Software trainings, and prepared for the season!



I’m not sure if its my end, but your link to your CAD doesn’t seem to be working. I’d love to see what you guys are working on!

I’ll take a look! Thanks for catching it! Sorry about the late response!

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Enginnering Notebook: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGPv-RB6HA/w0h6xDI4LaQttmg8LFlpCw/view?utm_content=DAGPv-RB6HA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Code: GitHub - Mercs-MSA/2024-FTC-26295

Week 2!


  • Created the powder coated drive base and fixed it
  • started CADding and designing the custom mechanisms on our robot, taking inspiration from many teams and the GoBuilda Kitbot.
  • Attached sensors and cameras


  • Started on implementation of Roadrunner,
  • adjusted the encoder values to take care of a switchback issue we were having
  • Transferred drive bases and cleaned up the directory
  • Added the RR and FTC dashboard libraries and made sure they were working


  • Worked on budgeting for the upcoming season and our grant materials to send to FIRST in Texas.
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Week 3:


  • tuned Roadrunner and worked on getting autonomous routines set up, as well as cleaning up the code directory
  • Had to fix some minor issues with the drive code, some of the motors were reversed


  • finished designs and started building them
  • Attached limelight and sensors


  • Coordinated having our robot at a company outreach at A&M stadium
  • Worked on budgeting and notebook
  • Set up Interview with FUN

Key Takeaways/Other

  • started meeting 3 times a week
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Week 4

  • Had to shorten the channels because our robot was bigger then 18x18
  • Attached linear slides and built mechanisms


  • Started creating out autonomous program
  • Had to re-tune drive constants


  • Scheduled FUN into the robot!

Photos! Photos pls!