Hello! We are 26295, a rookie all-girls team based out of McKinney Steam Academy.
- During Pre-season, we built two drive bases using the Gobuilda Drive base kit, did CAD and Software trainings, and prepared for the season!
Took apart one of the drivebases in order to powdercoat
Read the Rules and went over them as a team.
Did a whole-team analysis of the game and a high-level design and strategy decisions.
Created a schedule and started on Engineering notebook! - https://www.canva.com/design/DAGOcM87Nqs/T8LHiyweqzTHZPgyPibFSA/edit?utm_content=DAGOcM87Nqs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Started planning autonomous paths and implemented roadrunner.
Takeaways and things to fix next time
Powercoat BEFORE building