2869 is giving out a grant

Hi everyone, Team 2869 is looking to give out grants to underprivileged robotics teams (Not just FRC). Grants are up to $300 per team. Please see the flyer below for more information. Applications are due October 31st. Feel free to reach out with any questions.


Hey can I have the link to the application? Also what do you guys count as underprivileged?

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Here’s the link: https://forms.gle/PGSUbUjJ2Z75BqHT9

If you believe that you will benefit from the money, feel free to apply. Priority may be given to teams that need the money more, but we accept applications from anyone.

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Thank you!

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I really appreciate your team doing this! I’ve thought about this as a concept for a while now and I think it’s a great way to help push the growth of Ed Robotics!


I didn’t get a chance to go through all pages of your application, but if your target is underprivileged or underrepresented teams, I’d encourage you to have applicants provide information regarding title 1 or free/reduced lunch percentages as this is a common metric for funding.
Cool stuff, I’d love to be in a position to give these kinds of grants out one day as well.


This is such a great initiative
Can international teams apply for this grant??

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I don’t believe there are any restrictions on international teams applying. We will be purchasing the materials from any vendor that the winning teams ask for, as long as they accept US credit cards, so there shouldn’t be any issues.

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Hello everyone. We have decided to award our grants to the following teams. Some teams were given money for robot upgrades and parts, while others were given for outreach activities.

FTC 24132 for their Bristlebots outreach program
FTC 17384 for robot parts
FRC 2554 for outreach programs
FTC 17871 for robot parts

Congrats to all the winners.

Teams that did not win were sent the following message:

Thank you for applying to Team 2869’s grant. We are unfortunately unable to offer you a grant at this time. We applaud your efforts and wish you all the best in your future fundraising efforts. To assist you with ideas on how to continue fundraising, we have developed a list of activities that we participate in, along with ideas that other teams who submitted this form have found. We hope that this is useful to you. We would love to offer you assistance with your robot, project, outreach activities, or fundraising. Please reach out at this email address ([email protected]), and we would be happy to arrange a meeting to help your team out.
FundraisingIdeasGrantApplication.pdf (48.3 KB)

We are also going to be giving a presentation about fundraising at our Regal Eagle Roundtables event this Friday (December 1st). We will post our slides and a video of the presentation on our website (team2869.org) following the event.


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