Initial Prototyping
We reviewed our initial CAD prototypes, and were able to both critique and give helpful feedback to our peers. Each of our ideas showed potential, however a couple have passed judgement and we have begun physically prototyping them.
Coral Designs
Y-Shape Intake - This Coral intake idea was our most successful CAD design, as the compliant star rollers allow for a quick intake, quick reorientation, and tight hold on the Coral. We plan to prototype this as soon as possible, but first we’re working on a slotted compression tester to determine the width of each part of the intake we’d like to prototype and the wheels that should go with it.
U-Shape Intake - This Coral intake design showed a key error in the pickup of the PVC coral game piece: the orientation of the game piece itself. While intaking from a human player station in either the horizontal and vertical orientation would be reliable, picking up a game piece from the ground would be difficult to obtain without a potential jam in the pivot or a misalignment of the coral relative to the center of the intake.
Over the Bumper Intake - This Coral intake design features another discrepancy that we overlooked when making our CAD, an outtake. This does not even feature a hint of this concept. As the game piece would be inserted into this design, the reorientation of the game piece would take place to place it in a vertical position, however the efficiency of this design is questionable and we will be doing a complete redesign of it to create a reliable idea to prototype.
Ground Intake - This intake starts with base wheels at bottom to create initial contact, and again has compliant star rollers to reorient the PVC into an advantageous position. The position of the actual stars is the problem along with the fact that we also don’t have an outtake on this design to actually score with this idea. This design will also be undergoing some more prototyping to perfect it.
Algae Design
This is our first Algae intake prototype. We based it heavily off our own 2019 intake, except this prototype will allow us to find the best compression for intake and outtake of algae rather than the 2019 game pieces. We laser cut slots into the bottom MDF pieces while the side arms will stay stable and let us get good measurements for when we turn this into on-robot CAD,
We have laser cut and begun building this design, we expect to have it finished by the end of this build week and begin testing with drills soon.
Climber Design
Our climber design is relatively simple, it features 2 round pegs attached to a pivot arm which is operated by a winch, just like the RustHOUNDS Ri3D design. We have also started physically modeling this prototype, and have cut/milled all parts excluding the winch, since we have our old winch climber modules from Shosty last year that we can bolt onto an old robot along with this assembly to help us test out climbing in some different places relative to the center of mass.
As the season goes on, we will continue to update this blog with the physical prototypes, our testing, and redone CAD of our other ideas.