2992 with 5 motor 2011 Prototype Drive System

Last year’s robot (current one is still on the way back from Atlanta, had to use last years for a demo today at the Michoud Assembly Facility, where the Space Shuttle External Tank is built) posing in front of our 5 motor prototype for next year’s drive system.

We anticipate a slight problem with the weight, size and bumper limitations, but we have 8 months to work on it!




The rest is fine though. Looks like it came right under budget too.

Is Nasa still giving out the space shuttle engines for just paying the tax of shipping?

I’m sure they could use the money. Perhaps these are on sale. Also, we now have the possibility of a space game!

Oh dear:
-if the robot starts facing away from your driver, they get burned

  • towards them, they get run-over
    -any other orientation results in smoke inhalation and somewhat slower burning
    It might be a good idea to rethink this, it doesn’t look that maneuverable anyway.