2nd Camera and Rasperry Pi

I see some people using the raspberry pi to process video. I am hoping someone can help me figure out if this is what I need.

I simply want a 2nd camera feed. I installed MJPG on the Roborio and it works great, provided I don’t use the camera I want to. With Lifecams I can run the one on the dashboard along side the MJPG stream with no issues. However, when I switch to the 180 camera the other camera won’t work. I am thinking it is a driver issue or something along those lines.

Question is, can I just run Mjpg on an raspberry pi and mount the camera on that. If I do that how do I get access to it, not wirelessly obviously.

Do you still need help with this? We have 2 usb cameras working on the Pi.


Are you able to view images from both cameras at the same time?

I believe so. I haven’t seen it personally, since I’m helping in other programming areas, but that’s our requirement for the programming task. We have 2 cameras, one will stream to the driver station for the drivers. A shooter camera will be processed for targeting, and it too will stream to driver station. The shooter stream is so the drivers know where the vision tracking it currently targeting.

We did have one problem to resolve. We are using 2 of the same camera, and one is being processed for targeting. The problem is the device id’s, how does the vision software know which is the shooter. We have a script that determines which is driver camera and which is shooter camera, and then spins up vision tracking with the correct id.

Be aware that the although you have a 7mbps on the network, latency <6mbps is about 8-10ms. Once you go over 6mbps, the latency quickly spikes to 70-80ms. Driver station needs about 100mbps. I’m having our developers target 5mbps as a max bandwidth for 2 cameras.

If there is a specific problem you need help with, I can ask our programmers to chime in with help.
