3 and 4 stage elevators

I am working on the CAD for a 3 stage elevator starting from the 2 stage Thriftybot elevator. We are considering a 4 stage elevator but probably won’t due to the weight. I can’t tell if the added stage will work in real life. Is this an always yes or usually no kind of thing. Seems like some elevator designs would be able to add unlimited stages easily while others not at all. I bet I am not the only one asking this question this year.

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The rigging (continuous and cascade) works in theory for MANY stages.

Continuous will probably be your best bet if you go beyond 3 stages (due to how much reduction you will need for cascade and the mechanical advantage the carriage has through all the stages)

Keep in mind, the more stages you add you will lose some overall height due to minimum stage overlap and a few other things,


im also struggling over this

For teams looking for 2+ stages of elevator. The WCP elevator is designed such that you can just add extra stages:


doesn’t this go over the height limit?

Not RC, but my understanding is that it is common to cut an elevator kit such that it meets the packaging requirements for your specific robot in the game it is intended to play.


Until I hear otherwise, I am assuming no height limit this year. The starting limit is why I need 3 stages.


yeah, theres no height limit other than the starting height limit which is around 3ft or smt

The thriftybot is a cascade style. So the final stage will be 6 times faster than the first. Will also put additional stress on the dynema and decrease position accuracy due to creep. I told the programmer to add a dashboard adjustment for the set points that will need to be checked daily. But I think you covered the main issue.

So looking at the CAD of the WCP elevator,(Which is on backorder like all elevators right now.) shows how to arrange things so that you can have a 3+ stage. I believe that this applies to the Thriftybot one as well but a few additional spacers will be needed to move the top tube to the back.

Do you know if theres a cad for continuos elevators with multiple stages?

Sorry, I am not aware of one. Don’t think you would want one because I’m not sure you can control the position of the intermediate stages.