3 fields and Einstein....

Just got back from Epcot - there are 3 indoor fields, and einstein. the stadium is up, the pits are done. The fields are not built yet, but the areas for them have been cleared. It was so wierd walking around without anyone there - kinda ghostly… more updates later


Have any pictures? I need a new desktop wallpaper… :slight_smile:

that is awesome…id like to see the pictures too if you have any…i think it would be seeing them empty considering the number of people that will be there in less than two weeks :smiley:

Originally posted by Tom Schindler *
** It was so wierd walking around without anyone there - kinda ghostly

After Nats last year we were walking around inside the pit and field tents after they removed almost all of the equipment (fields, crates, etc…). It was eerie looking at empty space where there had been several thousand people five hours before. We also liberated a few floor tiles and a banner, but I won’t get into that… (c’mon, it said 2001, who’ll need it anyways?)

No pictures unfortunately… i do not own a digital cam :frowning:

it rained most of the day down here today… didn’t get a chance to check the progress, but i was walkin through epcot in the rain, and i see a disney person on a segway… he wouldnt let me ride it, but i couldn’t tip him over :slight_smile:


how big are the pits in relation to the regionals in Florida?

Can you tell this is out first year?

All we can say is “huge”, but even that doesn’t begin to describe it. Imagine a gigantic air-conditioned tent the size of a couple 747s and you might get a picture of what you’ll see at Epcot. With approx. 300 teams, its MUCH bigger than any of the regionals.

what ever happened to two outdoor fields. it was so much fun in those days. now everyone has to be inside. thats no fun.

I remember walking around the pit area senior year after everything was closed down and no one was there…and i cried…me and the two other seniors that had been on the team for 4 years got really like senitimental…FIRST just meant soooo much to the three of us…me being the president and all…lol…Kinda sappy…but hey, it has that affect on people…so many good moments…really sad and happy at the same time…

FIRST has always said that the pit tent is big enough to hold 3 747’s nose to tail.

And they always keep the place freezing cold. You will wish you had a jacket when you first get in there, but by about 9 AM you will be glad there is A/C.

it seems like the pit tent is about the same size as last year, i didnt get a chance to look at it fully but the arrangement from what i could see inside was similar to last year… the indoor fields are different though… there are three end to end… parallel with the pits, with robot entrances connecting to the pits… i wish i had pics, its kind of hard to explain… i may head over there again tomorow and do another look at it…


This year the size is large.

I was talking with the Disney guy incharge of the event at the KSC Regional and he said we will be amazed by the changes.

So I am looking forward to seeing it all next week.

See you soon…

*Originally posted by purplehaze357 *
**how big are the pits in relation to the regionals in Florida?

Can you tell this is ou(r) first year? **

Check this image in the gallery. The big white tent in the back of the right side of the image will house the pits. The tent at the far right will hold three of the play fields. The large central area that is still parking lot in this image is where the Einstein stage will be located (actually, it is probably there by now - I took this picture two weeks ago).


“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”
- Oscar Wilde

UTC has some great pics from 2001:

UTC’s FIRST Site (Bottom of the page)

Gives you a feel of just how big its gonna be…

Can’t wait!

Steve Prairie
RAGE 173

Last year, after the awards and while most teams were on their way to the Disney Party, I walked through one of the tents and stepped up onto the playing field. (I’ve never been on a field before). It was like the ending of a scifi movie - you know where there is only one left and all the energy of those who went before is in the air and permeates your body? It was like I could feel the floor vibrate from the stomping, my eardrums were pressured from the decible levels in the room and my heart grew and grew because of all the positive energy in the air.

The I looked around to see if anyone was watching, a little embarassed perhaps. I walked out of the tent and walked by the Judge’s Quarters. I peeked in the window and there was one of our TEAM 343 balloons tied to a chair. That’s when the tears started.

Thank you to every FIRST dreamer, yesterday’s, today’s and tomorrow’s - for allowing me to have a part in this most incredible event.

See you at EPCOT!

I was all misty at the end of last year’s competition also.

It is not often that I am so keenly aware of the passage of time and that our time on this earth is limited. For me, the ending of a FIRST season is one of those times. And so I wept when it was all over.

It was a great and terrible season… …I hated to see it end and I was glad it is over.

Life is weird like that some times…

Joe J