Our team purchased the earlyBOM.pdf parts on Thursday and we have had trouble finding the 3" dia PVC conduit. Our home depot doesn’t even register the SKU. Anyone else having this problem? If so, How did you resolve it? OR if you didn’t have any problems with this part, where did you get this item? please be specific, e.g. some contact info would be great.
We found it easily in Home Depot – once we realized that it was in the electrical section, not the plumbing section. Our HD only had plumbing pvc up to 2", but the conduits in the electrical section (grey ones) went up to 3". However, the one we bought must’ve been a few years old. It was so dusty it was literally black, until we handled it a bit (then it was grey and all our clothes were black). The real trouble we had was in finding 1.25" nipples and flanges. None of the HDs here carry those (only 1" and 1.5"), and we had to have them custom made.
all HD or lowes, ect… shold carry the pipe your looking for…
but they usually dont keep it inside… just ask for 3" sewage pipe usually its out on the yard behind the store.
Look for an Electrical supplier, they have lots of it.
In Detroit area “Ray Lighting” or “North Electric”
The black pipe used in the center of the goal is ABS not PVC. It is used for Drain/Waste/Vent piping in construction. Sometimes its called DWV pipe.
At the JPL kickoff, they used black ABS, but in NH (and in the BOM and blueprints) they used grey PVC. Therefore, on the official goals, there was no black pipe (it was all grey). We got the PVC that was listed in the BOM and that we saw on TV to make sure that the elasticity was right.