Presenting 3044s Full Software System
One Big System
Linking together our 6 coprocessors, roboRIO, & Drive stations into a functional and easy system. Starting from the Dashboard, In Control is a custom dashboard built off AdvantageScope which allows for travel to any location in the field by clicking a point inside of the 3D Field, Automatic scoring by clicking the displayed scoring nodes, Camera feed handling & switching, Custom NT4 Connections, several dozen other features available to drivers to be used at their discretion.
Interfacing between the Dashboard & The Robot, when In Control sends a target destination for click drive the Rio send its current position and the target position to a dedicated coprocessor which will then send back a path for the bot’s pure pursuit system to follow, this data is serialized and sent a WebSocket.
From here the bot continues onto the location periodically updating the path with position updates from the four April Tag coprocessors & new obstacles discovered by the dedicated ML coprocessor’s detector system.
But why explain when we could demo
In Control
Release In Control 0.1.7 · Autumn-Ou/In-Control_Public (
Links to Our Software Stack
- JetBrains Fleet: The Next-Generation IDE by JetBrains
- Release WPILib 2023.4.2 Release · wpilibsuite/allwpilib (
- Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
- Releases · Autumn-Ou/In-Control_Public (
- For access to the newer & much more stable version just ask
Custom Packages
- FRCFIRST Robotics Competition-Resources/FRCFIRST Robotics Competition-HDrive: HDrive Package for FRCFIRST Robotics Competition (java) (
- April Tags (based off amquake apriltag workbench)
- Pathfinding, Will be released at the end of the season
ML Resources
- PyTorch
- WongKinYiu/yolov7: Implementation of paper - YOLOv7: Trainable bag-of-freebies sets new state-of-the-art for real-time object detectors (
- U-Net heatmapper (custom & still in active testing - unreleased)
Our Other Demos
- Pathfinding On The Fly with a 3d Field - FIRST / Robot Showcase - Chief Delphi
- Auto-scoring with Dynamic Pathfinding and Inverse Kinematics - Technical / Programming - Chief Delphi
- HDrive Simulation Framework - Technical / Programming - Chief Delphi
- Step for Full Autonomous (localizing cones) - Technical / Programming - Chief Delphi