3419 Reveal 2019

Team 3419 from Hunter College High School is excited to reveal its 2019 robot, Onyx:

3419 will be competing at the Hudson Valley and New York City regionals.


That’s a crazy hatch mechanism! Looking forward to seeing it closer in NYC.


This is incredible! Love the hatch centering mechanism and the active aimer. Also love cargo dispenser.

This is honestly a really unique and crazy robot! I never would have thought of those cargo / hatch mechanisms. Good luck.

Amazing robot and looks really nice!
I’m curious what was the reasoning for having the cargo/hatch mechanism slide as opposed to using the swerve drive to align sideways?

Great question. We debated this a lot internally during the first few days of the season.

Moving a robot precisely one to two inches laterally with a swerve drive is harder and slower than you might think. First, you have to aim your wheels precisely sideways, which takes fraction of a second. Then you’ve got to apply just the right amount of power to overcome static friction on the carpet, but not enough that you overshoot your target. This is tricky and can take several seconds to get just right. Then you’ve got to point your wheels backwards to allow you to drive away. In a game where we are hoping to do 8-10 scoring cycles, we couldn’t afford to wait that long.

With the ability to move the whole mechanism, we can be in and out of the retrieval and scoring zones in 1-2 seconds. On the front edge of the robot, there are two sensors which notify us when we’ve touched the wall and are square with it. This automatically kicks off of the tracking process, using the Limelight looking at the tape on the ground, to get the disc holder centered with the disc. You couldn’t really see this in the video we posted, because at the practice field, we kept smashing into the field elements and moving them, so the switches weren’t registering. Hopefully this doesn’t happen on the real field!

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