Lots of good questions in there! Let me try to respond to them all:
"How did you all go about syncing up the video pieces or was that automated?"
We built a small C# Winforms application where someone on the team can pick each of the videos from SD cards inserted into a laptop. Then there is a “preview” button which pulls up the individual video and the person notes the start time of the game relative to the start of the video. That number is then inputted into the WinForms application and is used in the process of tiling them together. We thought about trying to automate this based on the sound of the horn at the start of the game, but never got around to doing it.
**“What sort of turn around time did you all see from the recording the video to the pit analysis?” **
It would take a few minutes for the video team to gather the SD cards, and return to the pits. And the tiling program itself takes a few minutes to run. So all told, it’s finished about 15 minutes after the game ends.
Do you know if it’s possible to do something like this with the streams created by a USB webcam being shown on the Driver Station (e.g. Microsoft LifeCam 3000).
We did this last year. Basically we got the source of the SmartDashboard’s WebCamViewer plugin, and modified it to save each frame to a JPG file on the laptop. Afterwards, we ran an ffmpeg command to bring each JPG together into a video file. If you want more details, I can try to find the source code for the dashboard extensions and the ffmpeg command. Let me know.
Sweet gear pickup and placer.
Thanks! We really focused on that this year, at the expense of having any ball shooting capabilities.
Do you do this after every quals match or only a key few? With some matches within minutes of others, do you always have the time?
We tried to do it after each qualification match, but you are correct that sometimes if you have games in quick succession there is not enough time.
**I’m picturing the workflow that I would know how to do - grabbing SD cards from people, copying video files to my Mac, importing them into software like Final Cut Pro etc., synchronizing/trimming clips, then outputting them without stuttering (e.g. rendering a final product) could be time consuming. Do you have specialized software? Really fast hardware? Or just some other workflow?
We built the tool described above to collect the different inputs, sync the start times, and then run ffmpeg to tile them. No crazy hardware, just an IBM laptop that’s a few years old. The actual production of the video takes about 5 minutes once the inputs have been selected.
Who watches? Drive team and coach, obviously, I presume. Pit crew? Scouts? Software?
Certainly the drive team and coach watch. The pit crew as well since we’re doing this all in the pits. And this year our programmer is our driver, so he’s in on the action.
Finally, do you find that your student recording the whole field has a good enough viewing angle? From the low bleachers at Georgian College, there was nowhere to stand where your view of the other side of the airship wasn’t blocked.
Our first regional was at Hudson Valley last weekend. The photographer for the whole field was right at the top of the bleachers, and you are correct that he still didn’t have a great view of the field. Big areas were blocked by the airships.