Here is our CAD and Code release of our 2024 robot Kerchunk!
For the design, we used the Kitbot launcher as a starting point and built it onto a 27x27in swerve chassis with an under-the-bumper ground intake. We also used the AndyMark Climber in a Box with modified hooks for our climber. During the off-season, we added a second set of shooter wheels which greatly improved our performance.
On the programming side, we utilized YAGSL and Pathplanner for the first time.
GitHub - ProgrammingTeam/2024-comp-bot
Also this Fall, we worked on a semi-configurable, standard swerve chassis with bottom mounted components. We started with a 27x27 chassis like we had last year (as it can squeeze through our doors with standard bumpers), and will resize the robot larger (or smaller) if we see the need with this year’s game. The resizing causes some issues currently; we just didn’t have the time to fully work it out.
Let us know if you have any questions or feedback on either our 2024 robot or our configurable swerve CAD.