360 Servo Modification?

Hello all,
we have some servos from the KOP:

According to that they are 360 Modifiable".
How does one go around to doing this?

There are likely several methods available for a search. However, it is possible (read likely) that 2012 FRC rules may not allow you to modify a servo. Before planning be sure to read the robot rules after kickoff. If they are not answered within that document, you may have to ask the question on the FIRST Q&A Forums after kickoff.

After reading and understanding what Al has said… here is a bit of info to help you achieve your goal.

In a nut shell, you need to remove the position feedback internal to the servo and remove the mechanical limit.

Here is just one instruction option to do so, there are several other possibilities available.

This is a pretty good general tutorial on how to modify a servo for 360 rotation