3D Animation Q/A

Trying to make a desk light and i just cant get it to look right any suggestions. Pic below:

Better base. make the base a tinny part of a hemisphered sphere. And make it white with an anisotropic specular.

I got teh hemispere but how do i do the anisotropic specular?

In the Material options Under shader basic Parameters change the tab that says Blinn to anisotropic.

That’s done with materials. If you’re looking for a brushed metal look, try this tutorial

I was trying to make the lamp look like this:

But the base didnt come out well and I am not very good and cutting objects. I mess with the base some more. Also in teh picture how would i make those rings that wrap around the metal part of the light?

That is with a bump material. go to paint and make a picture with a single black line running horizontally through the picture then apply the bump map to the stand. Make sure to tile the bitmap so it will show up as multiple rings.

If you have any questions about the bump material look it up in users reference.


When I render through video post and add glow, my final video never shows the glowing particles even though I see it being added through the render window. Ive tried material ID and object ID it doesn’t work. Any body got any other ways to make glowing fireworks?

Which is better editable poly or editable mesh? Whats the difference betweem the editables: poly mesh normals and patch? I always used editable poly to make models, but mabye i should try others.

I felt like making and xbox 360 just to have it in the animation as an easter egg.
Just wondering since I am just bitmaping a box with pictures of the xbox 360, how would I smooth the edges with effecting the pictures much. Also if I take off teh xbox 360 logo i should be ok and not get any trouble with microsoft?

Instead of XBOX 360 why not put XBALL [YOUR TEAM #]?

I always use editable poly. i think there are certain editing features and options that differ between the mesh and poly, but i don’t really know off the top of my head. try it out sometime.

to smooth the corners, you can chamfer the edges or start the model with a chamfered box (in the extended primitives section of the objects rollout). in photoshop you can edit the corners of the bitmaps to fit the rounded edges that you add to the box. make sure the edges are not TOO round, or it will look kinda dorky.

im no good with aimation but our team uses 3d max and it seems pretty user-friendly…

Not really good with photo shop so i don’t how i would do that. Looks better though with the chaffered box.

Try puting a mesh-smooth on it and ading a uvw modifier, try using the shrink wrap setting.

Been trying for a couple hours now to get all the pics to wrap around the box so it looks like an xbox 360, but when I try to fit one bitmap on one side of the box the other sides that I have modified get messed up, anyway to fix this. I tried appyling multiple uvw maps to the object and taht doesnt work.

Nevermind, I figured it now I wish I had a straight on picture of the sides and top of the xbox 360.

try using the UVW unwrap feature. there are tutorials in the book and online.

Well here is what I have done and probably stop till I get some good pictures of an xbox 360 sides and top:

that looks fine, man. one last suggestion: take the same picutures you used for the textures and convert them to grayscale. then use them as bump maps. it will add a little more realistic that way. Other than that, it looks good.

our animation is going to take a while to render this year, and i want to network some computers together to share the job. can anybody tell me how i would go about doing this?