3D Printed Map of FRC FIRST

This goal of this project is to make distribution of FIRST FRC visual to FIRST while at competitions. We intend to make the map global for next year.


Go ahead, print them out, and show them off or pass them out at competition.

The max height is 5 inches. Total width is about 28 in. We used Velcro to
attach them to the plywood. Picture is missing a few, but they will all be there for WPI.

Any particular rhyme or reason behind the choice of color for each state? (Why a given state is a given color; I figured red, white, and blue were chosen because of the FIRST logo.) Also, since it looks like the thickness of each piece corresponds to the number of teams in the state, what’s the scale of number of teams per layer?

Red, White and blue were chosen because they are the FIRST logo’s colors. Aside from that, they were laid out just for aesthetics.

The scale is 0.015479876 (in) for every team per state.

I assume California and Michigan are so huge that they cannot fit on the scale.

I would think Missouri would have a greater presence then Alaska…

Sorry to mislead everyone!

That picture is with it missing several of the states. MICHIGAN AND CALI ARE HUGE. Michigan was the scale determiner.

We have two left, see the thingiverse upload to see it right now.

Nice work. Thanks for sharing it.