Can anyone help us combine four separate animations into one. We can’t just merge them all into the same file, because the backguonds are different.
Do you mean two separate animation renderings? If so, you should either use an external video editor (Adobe Premier, Microsoft Movie Maker, etc.) or 3ds max’s video post. I’d recommend the first method as video post is really bare bones.
yes but we have 4 seperate animation renderings we’ve been looking for an external video editor ( Movie maker doesn’t support the mov. files that we need to send in) and adobe is $700
It’s kind of hard work with mov files, most of the editing solution doesn’t support this… i made the same mistake last year…try to edit the videos with the 3ds max video post… or render all over again…
Felipe Reis
For combining separate files, our group uses Sony’s VEGAS 5.0
You can get the trial here and then just experiment around until you understand it.
I hope that helped.
No problem, and thanks for the site!
(Now we can buy it for reals, instead of using the 30day trial.)
my suggestion would be to find a converter online…just search google “.mov to .avi” or “.mov to .wmv” i would recomend something other than wmv from windows movie maker because although the compression is great and the filesizes are small, you lose some quality and when you have a 30 second animation, you don’t want your audience seeing poor quality instead of the point or plot of your animation