3ds Max material library

I just downloaded 3ds Max 2008 and noticed that the default material library is missing, bricks, steel, rust, wood, aluminum, etc… I looked at Autodesk’s website and only found the downloadable tutorials. I do have the three material libraries in my Program File folder, but not the main library. Last year I imported the main default library from a previous version, something I can’t do this year. Does anybody know where I can get it? Is the library in the wrong place in the Program folder? Thanks

I haven’t installed Max 2008 yet but in Max 9 we initially thought the mat’l libraries were missing. Then we found out they were in the same place Autodesk always installed them (in a sub-folder of the Max program files).

But for some reason the default settings had the software looking for libraries under “My Documents”. Once we found the correct location everything worked fine.

Can anybody who has downloaded the program refer me to the file location if this is the case?

That was something I wish I knew earlier. Thanks for the tip.

I haven’t found a library like from Max 9, but, I haven’t needed it; I’ve been making my own materials using mainly mental ray architectural materials (my personal favourite type of modeling with 3DS Max), but also other types (raytrace when using mental ray and scanline, etc.).

-Jake Alexander

we are missing them from 2008 but i luckally saved 9’s materials
would like to know if we are the only teams that have this prob
the material libraray i have from 9 is corrupted so some files are missing :frowning:
would like to get 2008 ones if i could somehow

That happened to me too. I just used the ones from 2007, but other teams wont have that option.