4" Mecanum Wheels

Seeing the new chassis for the 2014 game, I noticed that it runs off 4" wheels. Additionally, I know that VEXpro came out with a 4" mecanum wheel. Thinking this year may possibly lend well to omni directional drivetrains, I was wondering what I could expect performance wise from small mecanums. Specifics I am looking for: strafing capability, potential pushing power, and traction relative to larger mecanum wheels. Thanks for the info and have a great 2014 season!

As far as i can tell the vex wheel is not rated for FRC robot weight, i believe they are only supposed to hold about 20 or 30 Lbs. Ive also been lookoing into 4 inch machanum wheels for an octanum, but so far have failed to find wheels capable of suporting 155 Lbs. So mke sure to check the load limits.

Edit: never mind apparently tbey appear to be rated for 200lbs but i don’t know if that aplies to all the different sizes or not

Don’t confuse these with these.

The VEXpro 4" mecanum wheels are rated for FRC weights.

Do these 4" wheels work the same as 6" or 8" wheels? Are the 4" wheels a good option for mecanum wheels this year? Has anyone used the 4" VEXpro mecanum wheels?


While we haven’t used 4" wheels, Im pretty sure that the smaller wheels will give you more accurate side to side motion than the larger ones.

What do you mean by “more accurate” in this context, and why are you sure about that if you haven’t used them?

Considering that they were release 1 month ago, it seems unlikely that anyone has done any extensive independent testing.

I would like to know if 6" mecanum wheels would work as well as 8" for a robot that is close to the weight limit. One of my coaches read that 6" are ineffective on a robot that is over 70lbs, and we are trying to do figure out if that is true or not.


That’s false; our robot weighed in at 95 last year and the 6" Vex wheels worked wonders on our robot.