4 pin pwm led question

We found this Leds that were pre-connected using a 4 pin pwm and we were planning to use it as our camera light source, our question is how do we wire it does it go to the side car? (I attached an image of the 4 pin pwm if it helps) Thanks in advance:]



Can you provide a manufacturer and part number so we can look for the data sheet? Generally the data sheet will tell you which pins are what.

In my experience, LEDs need to connect either to something like a spike relay (if you want to be able to turn it on or off) or directly to power (possibly via a custom circuit if there is some kind of driver needed to get the correct voltages and current levels for your LED device), but a picture of the cable doesn’t tell me enough.

The picture shows what appears to be a standard Molex connector. This is not a PWM cable and cannot be used as such. We need more info on the part before we can help though.