4-Rotor Qualification Matches

Last weekend, at the FiM Shepherd Event, Team 74 participated in 5 different Qualification matches in which our alliance got 4 rotors turning. We were wondering how common it is for teams to have multiple quals matches at the same event with 4 rotors on their alliance, and how many they were able to get!

At the New England District Championship, 2168 got 4 rotors in 9 of their 12 qualifications matches, en route to seeding first and winning the event. Very impressive!

857, 862, 4988, and 5501 got it twice at LSSU. Looks like 5509 managed it three times at the same event.

at PNW DCMP, 3238 hit four rotors eleven out of twelve times in Qualifications.

I don’t remember how many or what qualifiers they were but Lone Star North tied the record for the 4 Rotor Matches so far this season. my team was a part of 3 of them, but there was another that is not official because a field fault causing the rotor sensor to not work.

  1. Qualification match #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aarDIA-Zdd4&index=1&list=PLFZQjKmP2KJN5v1ePujjdCDWbQ7Irh8fw
  2. Qualification match #18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHCnM1OpoyM&index=2&list=PLFZQjKmP2KJN5v1ePujjdCDWbQ7Irh8fw
  3. Qualification match #36https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edZGANrB8G8&index=6&list=PLFZQjKmP2KJN5v1ePujjdCDWbQ7Irh8fw
  4. Qualification match #42https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmNb027GBU8

I would also like to point out that at the same event on practice day we were a part of I believe 3 4 rotor matches on practice day.

At the New England District Championship, 230 got 4 rotors in 8 out of 12 matches, which is reflected in our top OPR ranking for the event. Unfortunately we were ranked only 26th due circumstances that many teams often deal with including penalties and partners who could not climb.

2590 spun 4 rotors in 11/12 qualification matches at the MAR District Championship, then was picked by the #2 seed and went on to win the event.

TBA has data under ‘Insights’ for each event as to what percent of quals alliances were able to start the 4th rotor (Ex. MARCMP ).

You could do some math on those numbers vs number of teams to come up with an average case for how many matches a team should expect to to get 4 rotors in for that event.

Rookie team 6334 go 4 rotors is 7 or their 12 qualification matches at the Chesapeake Champs. Not an overall record, but still very good for a first year team. It was awesome to watch a rookie excel in competition against the favorites and complete the bonus objectives so often.

With the help of 4039 and 4939 we got all 4 rotors in quals 3 at McMaster

We managed to get four, 4 rotor matches at mcmaster in quals 36, 50, 65 and 72.

Team 997 got all four rotors engaged in 7 of our 12 qualification matches at PNW DCMP this weekend.

We got one at Lone Star Central in match 63 and then two more at Lone Star North in matches 49 and 51. We would have gotten a few more I feel if we didn’t have robot issues throughout the event. As stated above, Lone Star North had a lot of 4 rotor matches starting on practice day.

I did some quick some math and it came out to 4.94% of all alliances (elims and quals included) got 4 rotors. Specific for each type are listed on the insights page.

548 (1st overall pick), 2832 (2nd alliance captain), and 5853 (2nd pick of 7th alliance) in Q58 got the only 4 rotor match in the entirety of MILIV. MILIV is the only week 6 event to only have a single 4-rotor match.

At The AZ West Regional we had multiple matches in both qualification and the finals where we had 4 rotors spinning!!!

DM Robotics
FIRST Team #6314

Quals 56 at West Michigan: 1918, 5927, and 5980 got 4 rotors spinning winning the match 394-200

Link to TBA: https://www.thebluealliance.com/match/2017miwmi_qm56

Sparky 384 had 7 4-rotor matches out of the 12 qualification matches played this past weekend at the Chesapeake District Championship.

We also spun 4 rotors in 7/8 elimination matches (thanks 6334 and 5279).

See Indiana State Championship:

31.25% in quals, 65.79% in playoffs :yikes:

Yup. 4272 had 6 four rotor matches in quals, and only managed to rank 14th. I believe 135, 1024, 1018, and 234 saw right around 6 four rotor matches also.