So, we built a robot. We love it very much. We will share our love for it at the Arizona and Las Vegas regionals and, hopefully, World Championships.
**Vex Pro Drive in a Day
6 4" Vex Pro Traction Wheels
4 CIMs in Vex Pro Ball Shifters
Geared for about 15 and 7 ft/s
Can easily push any team member in low gear
Robot is below 30" tall
**Disc acquisition, storage:
**Shooter tilts down for floor intake
Primarily human loaded
Stores 4 discs in bucket hopper
**Linear shooter
2 8" AndyMark pneumatic wheels directly driven by CIM and miniCIM
Pneumatic cylinder pops discs out of bucket into shooter
Fires at least 1.5 discs per second
Adjustable angle and wheel speed
Can shoot much farther than full court
Not bagged with robot; have 4 weeks to improve it before AZ regional
**10 Point Hang
2 pneumatic cylinders lift robot and retract to let us go under the pyramid
**Control System:
**254-inspired “Cheesy Drive” with custom pistol-grip RC controller
Gyro for driving straight, encoders for speed measurement
Shooter angle controlled by PID controller with input from potentiometer
Shooter speed controlled by bang-bang controller with input from optical encoders
3+ disc autonomous
More features coming, as we have 3.5 weeks to work on our shooter and software.
I’ll get some photos up tomorrow, unless GUI or TheOtherGuy would be so kind as to post some