Hey guys, this will be our 2025 Build Thread for team 4329. For each week of Build season, I will keep an updated record of our teams’ iterations of our robot, our Marketing progress, and our Strategy for the 2025 game reefscape.
Hey, I am excited to share our progress for week one! After the game reveal on Saturday our team went right to work analyzing the game manual. We established our priorities for the season.
The order of our priorities went as followed
- Move/April Tags - The first thing that any robot needs to be able to do is move. If you cannot move, you cannot score.
- Pickup game Pieces - you need to be able to acquire before you can score (Coral then algae - We observed that Coral is worth more points, and helps us score 2 of the 5 rank points)
- Score Coral - the coral was viewed as more of a priority due to that we would be able to score on 4 levels
- Algae in processor - this was to be able to get the rank point
- Climb - we valued this higher than being able to throw algae because of the RP attached
- Throw Algae in Net - this was viewed as a low priority because of its limitation for RPs and scoring capabilities
Highest to Lowest Difficulty - Climb
- Throw Algae in net
- Score coral on L4
- Score on L3
- Score L2
- Algae in Processor
- Score L1
- Pickup game pieces
- Move/April Tags - We only have april tags this low because during the off season we worked on our vision software to be able to adapt it to this year’s game
We then used these Priorities to start our prototyping.
Monday - Monday we were virtual due to the mountains of snow that Missouri received. Our leadership council (LC) met and further refined our prototypes.
Tuesday - our team was once again virtual, so we spent the time developing concepts on how we want to play the game, and how our robot design should match that. We decided on what components of the robot we would need for each iteration.
Iteration 1
- Quals: WIN
- Auto: Leave and coral
- Loading Station Pickup
- Tele-op: Coral
- Three levels
- At least 2 algae in processor
- Focus on L4, hit other levels on the way
- Endgame: Barge
- Shallow Climb!! Don’t get caught up on deep climb
- Auto: Leave and coral
Iteration 2
- Auto: Leave, coral
- Second coral piece?
- Tele-op: Coral and Algae?
- All four levels
- Scoring in the Barge
- Endgame: Barge
- Deep climb
- Auto: Leave, coral
Iteration 3
- Auto: Leave, coral
- Three piece auto, coral and backup algae auto
- Tele-op: Coral and Algae
- Scoring both elements in a cycle
- Endgame: Barge
- At least deep climb
- Auto: Leave, coral
Wednesday - was our first day back in person, and we kicked off research of other team’s designs, and the testing surrounding them. We had CAD assemble a rough sketch of our iteration 1 robot for this year.
Thursday - CAD finished the rough sketch of the robot and presented it to the LC.
Friday - We started physical prototypes of the Slide/ Funnel, claw, and gears for the differential arm.
Saturday - We assembled the first prototypes of the robot components
These are the week one Build concepts and priorities, let me know if you have any questions, or want the cad designs for any of these.