4534 Blog Post: Programming Team: Our Army

Hey guys! As part of a series of programming related blogs, The Wired Wizards (4534) have just released an explanation of what our programming team is all about, most importantly, how we organized and made sure we made great progress this season!

We thought our organizational system might be useful to many, so please give it a read if you are interested. Programming was easily the most productive team this year as a result.

Programming Spotlight: Our Army – Team 4534: The Wired Wizards

Hope your enjoy!
Sam Weaver
Team 4534: The Wired Wizards

Could you explain some of the training your programming team went thru? Would you have anything to share?

Any info would be appreciated.

Coach Seb

Congratsulations!!! It sounds like you’ve had a great success restructuring your programming team.

Roughly how big is your programming team, and the subdivisons? Most people being in multiple would help, but you’d still need like 15 people??? I am I crazy…

Also, how do you do your vision? Ours was a Raspberry PI & RPI Camera, using Python/OpenCV to find the goal.

Finally, how do you do your scouting? Do you talk to strategy about what goes in the app, or does programming run scouting?

Thanks, Tom

Also, how do you train people for programming? We currently have a bit of an issue with that…