Wow just wow:yikes:
This little bot just continues to impress. Awesome looking auto!
Love low bots, nice.
Now begins the race to 5
Great job! Excited to see this bot in competition.
Great robot guys! Love the simplicity and the use of pneumatics to launch cubes (reminds me of our 2016 robot’s wheeled claw shooter). Have your programmers accounted for G09 to insure your bumpers are in contact with the fence when launching into the switch?
We are trying to avoid not touching the switch when delivering as much as possible, but if out-taking a cube is considered “launching” then everybody will be launching somehow
I believe the line is drawn at the point of which your robot is imparting ejection force on the cube with some type of cube manipulation mechanism.
The rule needs some more clarity that’s for sure.
Yes, they will be.
Wow I just lost a bet LOL! And it does it so effortlessly!
Its pretty clear IMO
“launching” (shooting POWER CUBES into the air, kicking across the floor, or throwing in a forceful way)
OK to launch IF your bumpers are touching a switch fence to nearest switch plate, inside your neutral to your scale plate , inside your exchange zone to your exchange.
Not permitted otherwise. Triggers a TECH FOUL otherwise per cube according to the rules
Not sure what’s unclear? In past years rolling with an active mechanism was considered launching FYI
Edit: we were planning to roll/launch/kick gears across the floor to our end from loading stations, got killed by the active mechanism part of launching. Would be ok with non-active spring loaded rollers etc.
This has nothing to do with 4613’s robot as I see their launch as clearly active. However, how would you define the following scenario.
A robot is traveling at full speed holding a cube. The robot brakes hard and lets go of the cube it is holding at the same time. The robot stops, but the cube continues moving forward through the air and lands in the goal.
Would you not define that as launching? The entire robot’s movement imparted force onto the cube in an active way.
Hi Mate!
We know the rules and this topic has been infinitely discussed in many other threads all over Chief Delphi so for our case specifically don’t worry, we will be fine!
We try to never shoot or place without touching it. This autonomous is made to be just touching the switch as the cube leaves contact with the robot.
Thanks anyways
IMO that is not using a mechanism other than physics, same as if a robot jarred your cube loose
I figured as such, was just clarifying for other teams my specific interpretation and experience with the rules.
Love your efficient side delivery. Looking forward to my annual viewing of the Australian regional
A piece of advice you probably don’t need but other readers might: the more obvious it is that you’re following the rule, the better. If you’re very close to the margin every time, you’ll get called on it even if you’re following the rule.
Perfect example was in 2011, when teams were not allowed to launch minibots until there were 10 seconds to go. Many teams set their robots to launch right at 10 seconds, and would occasionally get their minibots disqualified even though, through their code, they literally could not have been breaking the rule.
Referees are human => make it obvious
Meanwhile we’re sitting over here playing around with the Vault… color me jealous. Great job guys! Didn’t think I’d see a 4 cube auto at all, let alone before the end of build season.
Has anyone managed to do a multi-cube auto with the switch and scale colors swapped (“RLR” or “LRL” according to the FMS). Just curious