This is a tester for RoboRIO digital I/O wiring, especially oriented towards sensor inputs. LEDs indicate whether power is present, and the state of the signal pin.
We anticipate two main categories of uses:
as a testing tool for off-robot use in the pit
as an on-robot custom circuit to continually monitor the state of some sensor
It is very useful for checking the state and operation of sensors that aren’t immediately obvious, such as hall effect and optical devices.
Very interesting. One thing to keep in mind is that if you want to include these permanently on the robot, you’ll need to abide by the fabrication schedule rules. So unless you’re buying these COTS (which it appears from the description that you’re not), you will need to re-order them after kickoff.
Absolutely right! All’s fair for testing off-season and off-robot, but to be competition-legal they have to be fabricated during the season. The team did a few minor revisions in january, including better signal labels and “2019 Season” silkscreen text. Those will compete this weekend in FNC as part of our infrared cargo sensor.