Presenting our 2019 FIRST Deep Space robot: Aroara
6 cim drivetrain
Hab level 3 deployable ramp
Hatch manipulator capable of picking up off the ground
VIsion Tracking
The hatch mechanism we plan on using this weekend has been changed from what it is in the picture. It is now a passive mechanism that works way better than we ever thought it would
We will be competing at NC Guilford, and NC Asheville and hopeful at states and worlds
Leave any questions below and i would be happy to answer them
Has anyone had a good rate of success with going full speed into the hab to get to level 2? We are considering that as an option if an alliance member can solo lv3
Yes! When I was hurrying onto level 1 at the end I tended to beach myself on level 2. Decided to try it and it worked. The trick is the alignment - the speed we need to clear level 2 doesn’t allow for last minute alignment, and if you’re not fully on level 2 the refs won’t count it because it’ll often look the robot is supported by the cargo on the side.
how low of a center of gravity does your bot have?
Also what is the weight of your robot? My team has a very light robot, only 51.7 pounds, and we have a pretty low and centered C.G.
Not sure exactly where the center of gravity of our robot is, but it is pretty low.
Our robot weighs 123 pounds, and we have a pretty overpowered drive base for this competition (six NEO, eight-wheel) that’s geared pretty high (exact gear ratio I’m unsure about). So we definitely had the speed.
Our bumpers are also pretty low, so a couple of times we did scrape fabric off our blue bumper covers or the red bumpers, but surprisingly the wheels took almost no damage.
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