548 had an amazing time at championships/ newton this year and I just wanted to thank teams/people that helped make this event so great.
118: Amazing alliance partners from the our last qualification round to the Newton Finals. The 4 autonomous shots, amazing teleop, and ease of the triple balance made us excited to play with you. Your drive team (and I’m sure the rest of your team) were incredibly gracious, smart, and fun to be around. We hope to work with you again either next year or in the off season.
2194: Couldn’t believe we got you as a steal as the 24th pick. Co-op Bridge auton, great strategic and smart defense/feeding, and a powerful drive train for the triple balance. Your drive team was great to work with and we had a great time working with you. Again hope to work with you again!
All the co-op Newton teams: Wanted to thank everyone that Co-oped with us and helped us reach the number 1 seed. I never expected to get a perfect co-op score and you made it possible. Special shout out to 3357 and 340. 3357 taking over the co-op bridge after we lost comm and 340 for agreeing to co-op with us instead of attempting a triple balance. Truly gracious and professional.
469: After 3 events together we’ve come to be good friends and at CMP pit neighbors. In addition to our growing relationship, you saved us in the flood. I understand by the time our crew arrived to save our pit, you had already moved most of our stuff out of the water. We might not have paired up in the regular season but I’m sure we’ll see you at multiple off season events.
Dan Ernst: Another benefit of having 469 on our field. Your pictures are always amazing and often very inspiring to new students. As this is my last year I personally want to thank you for the amazing pictures through my four years, its always a highlight after a competition to sit down and watch the slideshow.
Michigan Teams: What a supporting and tight group, from the teams on our field to the ones that helped us after making Eisenstein. Everything from advice from world champion coaches, to scouting data from the other divisions, I am truly proud to be a part of a Michigan team.
Finally, Congratulations to our defeaters and World Champions, 180, 25, and 16! I know controversy is surrounding Einstein currently, but these 3 showed amazing Coopertition and Gracious Professionalism on the field and after each match. You 3 deserve to be World Champions and had an amazing alliance!