5v to DIO Slots?!?

Our digital sidecar is not putputting 5v to the DIO ports. We have checked with a voltameter and nothing. We have also call on a DIO port and nothing. Is there something wrong with it like the PWM outputs where we only got 5v AFTER putting in jumpers and nothing before it? Or why is it not giving us our energy?!?!

Did you plug the digital sidecar (DSC) into the 20 amp slot in the power distribution board? That is VERY IMPORTANT!

Hope this helped and Happy Competitions!

The 5V power output needs a 12V connection from the Power Distribution Board in order to work. Do you have a brightly lit “BAT” LED on the Digital Sidecar?

If something is connected incorrectly, it could be shorting the 5V supply. Look at everything connected to the center pins of the DIO ports and make sure nothing is tying them to ground.