Why am I getting the " version of compiler supports only the PIC18F8520 processor" error when I compile the default code if I’m using the 2006 default code and the 7.20 IDE.
We want everything to work with the new 2006 controller.
The library file I have is the FRC_library_8722.lib file.
I tried this but get ‘mcc18’ not recognized as a command from command line. ( This is a Win2000 laptop).
Where can I download C18 v2.40 compiler? _- or do I have to hunt down CD we got with kit of parts?
Erm, first go to the command line and make sure you’re in the mcc directory before typing “mcc18 -v” if you don’t know where it is, search for it on your computer and get the directory that way.
I’m not sure, but I believe that was optional. If I remember correctly, on the setup there were check boxes for options like that, but all were unchecked by default.
You can also look at the README.C18 text file in the main mcc18 directory to find the compiler version, e.g.,
in C:/mcc18/README.C18
Release Notes for MPLAB(r) C18, PICmicro 18Cxx C compiler
17 November 2004
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