7127 build "thread" (where we post what we want to post when we want to post)

Ok so when i’m bored and have free time from hw you’ll get updates trust.


indexer test
ignore the audio


Thats a cool design, looks consistent.

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This is a really interesting intake design. How consistent is it?


We’re going to be running a ground intake with l1-3 + Cranberry alarm style algi


good indexer

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What is the compression? How does the coral just start to rotate, I feel like it should stay straight.

Very light compression, around 0.25 inches. No idea how it centers off of the wall. Prolly our prayers to dean kamen or smthing.


It’s running off of the walls.

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Wait a minute, the second trial, it just, rotates


Huh, if you do some more testing, let me know how it works.

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I like how this seems simpler and more reliable than polybelt or star rollers. What are those grey rollers on the sides made of? Also, have you considered testing with a bottom roller?

This is cool, reminds me 1690’s 2023 intake.

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Those grey rollers are 2in mechanum wheels covered by duct tape. It might cause lower grip but the primary reason was that the hard wheels were being damaged.


i measured it its 0.3 inches compression. 5.2 inches from bottom plate to the center of the roller (2 inches diameter wheels, coral is 4.5 inches diameter)

After more testing, we’re moving on from this style, it doesn’t center at low speed.

We’re likely going to move to the “V” style star based centering so please ignore.