7627 Bearcats - 2024 Thread

Welcome to the 2024… thing… for the 7627 Bearcat Robotics from Monroe, WA.

I’m hesitant to call this an open alliance build thread. Also definitely not a technical debrief on how we prototyped and tested variables to come to our final designs. So what should I call it? A journal? Storytime? 10 hour robot conversation on loop for anxiety, stress, work, and sleep?

This is documentation of part of the story of the multitude of things that happen during our build season, from the perspective of a mentor, hoping for the readers to simply enjoy the journey, understand why/how we come to some of our decisions, and see how the 2024 robot comes to life.

Here’s the Week 0/Kickoff post! I know we’re in Week 3, I’m a little behind. Also apologies for sharing an external link, but this makes it easier for me to share with team/families/sponsors/etc having the content in one place :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading!



Slowly catching up with another week’s effort!

Week 1 - Frustration!


Don’t know if this is catching up further or not, but hey, another post!

Week 2 - Progression!

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Ah, always behind…

Plus side, I’m still getting 8 hours of sleep so, even if these are still delayed, I feel fine. :slight_smile: Enjoy a look back at our week 3!


Week 4 come and gone.
A scant 4 weeks ago (from this post) we all sat and watched and learned about a brand new challenge. And here we are building/testing/tuning. The pace of FRC is incredible!

Intentionally a little late with this post. Spoilers inside :smiley:

Week 5 - Apprehension

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For us, things really started coming together this week! With the full robot shown, we also take some time to look more specifically into some of the workings and decisions of how we came to this design.

Week 6 - Realization

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Ah cry - I’m still behind. We’ve now had a competition and here I am just sharing week 7. It does end on a nice cliffhanger though!

Week 7 - Application

Thank goodness for PTO to relax after a long competition weekend. Also gave me some catch up time! Our final build season post covering week 8! Now to find time for the event write-up…

Week 8 - Determination

At the buzzer! Our next event starts in - checks watch - 9 minutes, so here’s a few stories and fun from our first event, 2 weeks ago :smiley:

Event 1: Glacier Peak