does anyone have pics of a wheel drive with pivoting wheels?
Hey there,
Our team has already designed an 8 wheel drive train with suspension and pivoting wheels/frame. If only I could upload a picture, but I don’t know how. Do you know how i can do that??
This is a pretty handy service:
Just upload your pics to Image Shack and link to them from your post.
Nevermind. here it is!:yikes: there will be shocks on the 4 outer wheels allowing fluid motion.
ROBOTO.doc (778 KB)
ROBOTO.doc (778 KB)
We designed this drive train back in 2005 and have been waiting for a game like this.
That is one nice looking Bot!! Wow!
i can almost guarantee you will get high centered or maybe even flip over i would conduct a lot of tests before you put that bot into play man plus you got to factor in what its capable of and what its purpose is and most likely its probably going to be defense
exactly what i was looking for, i have a design like this but dont know how to power the wheels, could you send me some pics if thats not to much to ask??
and where do you get that type of frame
They’ve had the design since 2005. They’ve been a team since 2000. They’ve been successfully competitive since very early in their career.
Do you really think that they haven’t tested it? And, more to the point, why do you think it’ll get high-centered or flip? Why do you think that this design’s purpose is defense?
In short, what do you know about the design that they don’t know? I can almost guarantee you that they’ve tested this on the bump already, if it’s still together, or put it together to test it and then tested it.
Here is a picture of 75’s robot from 2001
8 wheel drive and the wheels pivot.
Years of testing/ trail and error. If you are referring to the aluminium bars that it is built out of, then it is Bosch rexroth extruded aluminium. It is commonly called 80-20.
If you dig around our team website (, you might find some pics and inventor drawings.
We have always tried to play offensive, but as for Clay’s defense comment: just try and push this thing sideways if you want:cool: .
what do you use to fasten the pieces together
my team is doing somthing similar with our design and we hit a road block.
you may already know about the rule that states that your frame CANNOT articulate. this issue is disscused alot in many other threads and caused my team to reconsider our design ( i feel for the better). they obviously go into more detail so check them out if you havent already.
just a point since we have similar solutions, dont forget to check the legality of your “frame” and “perimiter” ,becuase this year the rules are VERY picky about what is legal and what is not.
good luck with your design. look out for team 698’s version!