816's Robot as of 2/2/08

Yeah were almost done just need to mount the bumpers, re-drill the hole on our van door motor for th elevator and mount some lexan.

nice and simple, can you guys knock off the ball?

yeah we actually can either knock it off with the forks on the elevator or we drive under the overpass and put the elevator up and just push the ball off the top.

I like the tennis balls! We need some sort of plugs for the end of our picker-upper, and this thought never occured to me.

Looks like a nice reliable design. How quickly can you move the ball over the overpass?

I like the tennis balls too, A mentor on our team ordered some orange and blue balls from a school supplier. It takes about 10-12 seconds to move the ball up and about 20-30 seconds for a full hurdle. I might get some video up in the coming week maybe late monday or tuesday.

Some more specs:

2 Cims through the KOP gearbox
25:22 reduction
6" Wheels

Chain Powered Lift
Van Door Motor with a 1:1 Ratio

Very nice gripper and elevator. I get this weird feeling, though, that an abrupt stop or a bump from behind when you’re in the configuration in the first picture would send you over… does it feel tippy at all? Also, what’s your distance from left tennis ball to rear right corner right now?

very nice bot you got there

my team had an idea like this one but we did not do but i wish we did

Very nice gripper and elevator. I get this weird feeling, though, that an abrupt stop or a bump from behind when you’re in the configuration in the first picture would send you over… does it feel tippy at all? Also, what’s your distance from left tennis ball to rear right corner right now?

It’s a bit tippy all the way up but only at high speeds which it wont be driven at. We also have a few pounds to spare and we may add up to 4 pounds of steel/lead weights down low and then 15 pounds of bumpers. From either tennis ball the the opposite rear is about 72-73 inches which is far under the 80 inch rule

How are you hoisting your uprights? Are you using chain? If so, how are you doing it? Any pics available? We are having difficulties with ours and we can sure use some help. Yours sure looks wonderful.:slight_smile: We have looked at webbing, cable, chain. We are not sure how to proceed.:confused:

Carolyn Hinckley

A respectful suggestion since you still have 2-ish weeks left. That’s a really really long lift time, and the van door motors are rather low power. Why don’t you look into using an extra CIM motor through a dewalt transmission as detailed in the Nothing but Dewalts whitepaper. If you need the hard to backdrive properties of the van door, you can always leave the anti-backdrive pins in the edwalt transmission. With proper gearing you could probably get your lift time down to 3-4 seconds.

Is 4 the limit of CIM motors you can use? If we already use 4 what other motor besides the Van Door would work, if any?:confused:

FP, RS550, Window, Globe are your other options. FP is pretty good for lifts and arms, and apparently the RS550 is similar to it.

Thats a pretty sexy robot IMO. Lets just hope we can do as good as it looks =)

Good job, almost done is better yet.

One good reason is because they already have four CIMs on their drivetrain. However, a Fisher-Price with an AM planetary could do almost as well.

What kinds of speeds does the FP motor do. They said above that the Van Door takes 10-12 seconds to raise or lower. We wanted to know if the FP or RS550 are faster? Does anyone have any specs on these?
How fast would the Fisher Price with AM planetary be?

I’m not sure for this system, but on 330’s cable lifts, as much as five seconds for a similar height, after running them through a stock FP gearbox. It would be a good idea to “gang” two FPs to aid in power. Unfortunately, I am not sure where the specs for them are…

I saw “2 CIMs through KoP gearbox” and figured one per side, cause why go for extra drive power in a non-pushing game?

Anyways, FP through an andymark planetary in this application is a recipe for disaster unless you run it through a dewalt as well. I think they pretty obviously need the anti-backdrive ability. If you’re running it through a dewalt anyways, go straight into the dewalt, I think. Also, you’d be wise to be careful with the FPs as they can be overheated and smoked.