We have 4 cims already on the drive train. We do need the anti-backdrive ability and are quite confused by the different opinions of the other motor options. How are we suppose to choose?
I was wondering how you did your drive ststem and how fst your bot can do a lap?
Lol I sleep for one night and come back to find a bunch of replies. The reason we didn’t use a Cim was because we already are using all 4 on our drive train, And the van door motor works great for our application. Lapwise we should be able to do one in about 10-15 seconds without the ball, but that’s just an estimate because I didn’t really have any space to open up the robot because right now we only have one piece of carpet down.
Very nice! I was wondering does it fold in via programming or do you have to fold it in manually?
how much strain are the motors put under just lifting the ball? i know with previous experiance, that even a little bit of wieght away from the base can make it very hard to lift.
We can control everything via the Operator Interface there’s really no complex programming to do just a few limit switches. Lifting the ball for us it not a problem we have plenty of power to spare. If we wanted to we could make it lift a little faster but we probably won’t
I like those tennis balls but does this bot shoot?
Nah we pick it up and put it over. =)
I agree that this bot looks sexy but I have a fealling you might have a problem with the chain we ran into that problem with a telescoping front arm like that
if you dont have problem thats good
We have been driving it for almost two weeks now. At first we had some chain problems but we managed to fix them. And ever since works like smooth.
Finished Robot Pics and Info Can Be found here: