Welcome to the 2023 #openalliance Audeamus build thread!
We’re from Toronto, Canada, and we’re the last remaining Ontario team with rookie year 2021. We tried our hand at game design and innovation that year, but didn’t get very far. In 2022, we did a little more. This year, we hope to go further, learn more, and share our journey with other FRC teams. This thread will be regularly updated throughout the build season to do just that.
Continued several projects including Digital Animation!
Builder Updates:
Today, building was working on making the cart to carry the robot out for the competition as well as creating a prototype electronics base for the testbot. This was the first major fabrication of the season!
Progamer Updates:
Updated the FRC game tools on all 3 of our laptops. Once they finished, they helped Building to rebuild our test bot. A smaller group focused on Computer Vision began organizing and setting up the resources and tools needed for their perilous journey.
Electrical Updates:
Electrical worked on wiring the testbot for, of course, testing purposes. While half worked on that, the other half was working on building a circuit board for the robot. Pieces of wood were attached onto the testbot to create an elevated surface to mount electronics.
Strategist Updates:
Strategy continued summarising the game rules and discussed various avenues to advance toward our goals as a team. Imagery began to move by designing mascots, and this recap was made!
• Robot cart (2023-01-16)
• Designs for grabbing cubes and cones and lifting them up
• Prototyping our first design for a claw (2023-01-17)
• We found a large aluminium beam, and will be using aluminium crossbeams in the cart rather than all wood. This means we do have enough material to finish the cart
Work Done:
• Pieces of the claw prototype are cut and almost ready to be assembled
• Aluminium crossbeams have been cut, and we’ve started cutting grooves into the cart to insert them
Work that needs to be done:
• Finishing the cart, designing a handle for the cart
• Finishing and testing the prototype claw
• Designing a gearbox for the claw and a way to attach a motor
Programming Updates:
Highlights / What Was Done:
Successfully achieved detection of AprilTags
Finished AprilTag identification for localization
Distance & angle estimation
Modularization & integration
Electrical Updates:
• Put the testbot back together with building and programming (2023-1-15)
• Coming Up: Research project on electrical components - maybe - (2023-1-27)
• Coming Up: Helping Building in the design process (2023-1-20)
• Worked with building to drill two wire holes
• Attached electronic components to the test bot
Work done this meeting
• Drilled holes so that wires can run to the motors
• Applied a healthy amount of electrical tape to exposed wires
• Attempted to image the Roborio
Work that needs to be done
• Wiring the motor controllers to the motors
• Imaging the Roborio
• Getting the test bot up and running
• Robot cart (2023-01-16)
• Designs for grabbing cubes and cones and lifting them up
• Prototyping our first design for a claw (2023-01-17)
• Cart progress
• Prototyping claw
What Happened This Meeting?
• Created and progressed with the new cart idea
• Repurposing wood from past structures
• Prepped for wheels to be attached
• Prototyped claw idea
• Generated and recorded three new intake designs
• Watched TOPS night 2022 OSU performance
Work that needs to be done:
• Landing on full intake, arm and drivetrain designs or deciding on using the Everybot
• Finishing cart build
Programming Updates:
Highlights / What Was Done:
• Vision team continued experimenting with the cameras and were able to recognize April-Tags from a distance
• Some members helped with building the cart
• Some members learnt about git push and ssh keys
• Finish Test Bot
• Start programming Test Bot
• Continue Vision
Strategy Updates:
• Team Mascots Designs (~)
• Robot Design (~)
• Digital Animation (23-01-19)
• Decided on using the claw as our intake design
• Ideas for claw design completed
• Cart is almost finished
Work that needs to be done:
• Figuring out a way to attach claw and arm
• Arm design
• CAD and parts ordering for the claw
Electrical Updates:
We continued wiring the CANController Area Network bus, making sure all the motor controllers are in the loop. If there are no issues(unfortunately, it seems like that is never the case), we should be done relatively quickly at the next meeting.
Also, everyone’s getting pretty good at crimping which is always cool to see
• Put the testbot back together with building and programming (2023-1-15) Behind Schedule
• Coming Up: Research project on electrical components - maybe - (2023-1-27)
• Coming Up: Helping Building in the design process (2023-1-20)
Work Done This Meeting:
• Continued Wiring CANController Area Network wires
• Finish wiring CANController Area Network(hopefully) and hoping for no issues
Strategy Updates:
• Team Mascots Designs (~)
• Robot Design (~)
• Digital Animation (23-01-19)
There is some important information in this Recap, but I have not gotten around yet to overhauling the recap system. Once that does happen expect this recap to be revised.
Builder Updates (7th - 9th):
> Highlights
We have decided we are going to use the everybot
Most of the parts we don’t have have been ordered
The robot cart has been completed
> Projects
The Robot
For now, putting together the drivetrain from the Andymark kit
> Work that needs to be done
A few inventory items haven’t been ordered yet, that will be done next meeting
Lots of fun stuff once parts arrive and we start construction on the everybot
Electrical Updates (7th):
> Highlights: TEST BOT IS WORKING!!!
> Projects:
Put the testbot back together with building and programming (2023-1-15)Completed
Coming Up: Research project on electrical components - maybe - (2023-1-27)
Helping Building in the design process (2023-1-20)
> Work done this meeting:
Finished wiring testbot!!! Programmers can now start working with it.
> Work that needs to be done/Plans for next meeting:
Learning and working with pneumatics
Help Building with design
Electrical Updates (9th):
> Highlights:
Begun putting back together last year’s robot so we have two robots to work with. So far, there is a suspected CANController Area Network issue though.
> Projects:
Putting back together the drivetrain and electronics of the robot from last year
Coming Up: Research project on electrical components - maybe - (2023-1-27)
Helping Building in the design process (2023-1-20)
> Work that needs to be done/Plans for next meeting:
Continue putting back together last year’s robot
Learning and working with Pneumatics
Help Building with design
{Programming Updates} (7th):
Programming subteam deployed the current testbot c++ code, and have driven using joystick
Start implementing vision
Translate over to java?
Try updating auto for this season
Get more experienced with actually programming
{Programming Updates} (9th):
> What happened at the meeting:
Updated SparkMax to latest versions
Deployed code to the robot (needs to be debugged/rewritten)
Create a functional Java testbot program (in progress)
It was Valentine’s Day yet everyone still came to robotics
All 4 meetings were 3:15 pm - 5:15 pm.
I promise next week the recap will be in a new format
Our space got a perimeter!
Builder Updates (13th):
> Highlights:
We have begun assembling the Everybot drivetrain
We are sticking with the Everybot, the alternative design was unfeasible
> Projects:
Taking neo motors out of last year’s robot (will be done next meeting)
Assembling the drivetrain (hopefully done this week)
> Work that needs to be done:
When parts arrive, we will split building into groups to get each of the parts of the Everybot built (superstructure, intake, arm)
Asking for quotes from Metal Supermarket again cause they didn’t reply
Electrical Updates (13th):
> Highlights:
Continued putting back together last year’s robot so we have two robots to work with. So far, there is a suspected CANController Area Network issue though.
Switching out the Spark Max motor controller. Lots of practice crimping.
> Projects:
Putting back together the drivetrain and electronics of the robot from last year
Coming Up: Research project on electrical components - maybe - (2023-1-27)
Helping Building in the design process (2023-1-20)
> Work that needs to be done/Plans for next meeting:
Continue putting back together last year’s robot -learning and working with pneumatics
Help Building with design
Building Updates (14th):
The robot will be our Valentine.
> Highlights:
Gearboxes attached to Everybot chassis
The mysterious coffin is finally being used to store wood and metal
> Projects:
Assembling the drivetrain (will be done Thursday)
Disassembling safety hazards (large robot pieces from last year)
> Work that needs to be done:
Waiting for ordered materials
Hoping Metal Supermarket replies this time
Electrical Updates (14th):
> Highlights:
Electrical components on last year’s robot are all wired up. It’s just that there is a sticky fault that we’re having trouble addressing but nevertheless, everything should work.
> Projects:
Putting back together the drivetrain and electronics of the robot from last year
Coming Up: Research project on electrical components - probably not
Helping Building in the design process
> Work that needs to be done/Plans for next meeting:
Learning and working with pneumatics
Help Building with building the robot
Figure out how to place the electrical components on our robot
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Strategy Updates (14th):
> Highlights:
Pumped up a ball with an air compressor during the badminton try-outs
Only 2 contenders left for scouting app
> What happened at the meeting:
Narrowed down scouting app list to 2 viable ones
Talked about designing cool themed cards
> Projects:
Scouting app research (23-02-17)
Mascot/Sub_Team identities
Robot design
> Work that needs to be done/Plans for next meeting:
Test out remaining apps
Discuss autonomous period strategy with programming
Work on designing cards
Figure out more planning and logistics
Building Updates (16th):
Finished assembling drivetrain
Discuss with Electrical how wires are going to be attached
FIXED DEADLINE: Finish building robot by February 27th
Work that needs to be done:
Start building intake and arm (following Everybot) once parts arrive
Wait for Metal Supermarket to reply
Sand the sides of the robot to prevent injuries
Have a good long weekend!
Electrical Updates (16th):
Marked out the metal floor for the robot
Brainstormed ideas on how electrical components are going to be mounted
Plan with Building how we’re going to mount the electrical components are going to be mounted onto the robot
Work that needs to be done/Plans for next meeting:
Working out specific details on how and where to mount electronics, what materials are needed and preparing those materials
Help Building build
Current ideas for where to mount electronics are as such:
I made a new recap format and been practically living in this school, sorry for it being so late, I promise as I’m writing this that next weeks recap (of this week) will be very interesting
February 21st + Figured out what needs to be ordered + Ordered more metal + Marked the metal parts + Marked Field elements + Each Building sub-team (intake, arm, etc…) started
February 21st + Marked out the metal floor for the robot (again) + Decided electronics will be mounted at an angle. + Worked on a belly pan to place our electrical components on. + Analyzing required wire lengths
February 22nd + Finalized the design for electrical layout + Communicated plan attached below to Building of the required metal cut (22" by 14")[1]
February 23rd & 24th + Marked the metal flooring of the robot for the 3rd time (you know how the saying goes). + Mr.Skara’s going to cut the metal flooring of the robot and to have by Monday + Discussed battery mount ideas. + Started roughly planning out the layout of the belly pan electrical components
February 24th + All plywood, 2x4s and hardboard cut for field elements + Construction begun on Half Charge Station + Elevator CAD almost finished + Roller CAD almost finished
# This Week
Building Superstructure (Waiting for materials)
Building Intake (Waiting for materials)
Building Arm (Waiting for materials)
#TODO: Design and plan a shooter design for intake
FIXED DEADLINE: Finish building robot by February 27th
February 27st + Figured out what needs to be ordered
+ Ordered more metal
+ Marked the metal parts
+ Marked Field elements
+ Each Building sub-team (intake, arm, etc…) started
February 27rd
+ Robot metal flooring is cut and holed.
+ All we need to do is mount it.
+ Cleaned up wiring
February 28th
+ So the robot was due today? That timeline was way off since our parts aren’t even here yet.
+ New due date for the robot will tentatively be March 10th and that is assuming all the parts we need arrive before next week Monday
+ I think Farooq got a giant cut, Masoom burned his hand on a drill bit, and like ████ injured somehow
+ The first field element (grid section for cubes) is done
February 28th
+ Robot metal flooring is mounted!!! YAY!!!
+ Battery mount is almost installed
February 28th
+ Successfully registered to scouting app Scoutradioz
+ Discussed Autonomous Period strategies with Programming
February 28th
+ Testbot is fully functional
+ Finished researching Autonomous Period strategies
March 1st
+ Installed Battery Mount
+ Started mapping out locations for electrical components
March 2nd
+ Attached the strap to battery mount
Story Time:
On Wednesday (The 1st) our meeting was originally going to run to 6:30pm, however due to the Grade 8 orientation for a program our school offers, our teacher was staying late. They informed us that they could stay for an extra 30 minutes, however no one bothered spreading the word.
Thus, after cleaning everything up, Farooq (Build Lead) and I (Strategy Lead) learned about this from the teacher, at which point everyone else had packed up and wanted to go home. This left Farooq and I, with a determination to test the wooden shooter prototype which had been assembled that very day.
After an hour (the teacher informed us they could stay till then), a couple of 12V lead battery weights, newly drilled pieces of scrap wood, and 2 drills, we got it to work. The moral of the story is that you should never leave Robotics Club early as it was very cool and very sick.